Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information.

About Us  »  PE & Sports

"The drive to ensure that all pupils are physically active through a diverse range of events and opportunities.   
PE, physical activity and school sport are an integral part of Stanningley Primary School. The PE lead shows great passion and determination to ensure that opportunities to be active and to participate are available to all. The REAL PE scheme is used effectively to develop and apply knowledge and skills progressively across year groups. A sports coach works across school to deliver lessons and clubs and is a great role model for the pupils. A wide range of lunchtime and after school clubs are available, with pupil voice influencing what is on offer. There are many opportunities to take part in a range of competitions and pupils and staff are rightly proud of their success. The many opportunities have enabled the school to achieve the Platinum Schools Games Mark. The outdoor space is used creatively and has a range of different equipment. Active travel is encouraged at every opportunity through bike, scooter or pedestrian training and there is storage for bikes and scooters. The PE and Sports premium is used very effectively to ensure that the impact is sustainable. The daily mile is well established and ensures pupils are active outside of PE and break times. Pupils are encouraged to be active at home through the newly introduced ‘Burst’ app. Staff help children understand the importance of being active but also use physical activity as a further opportunity to embed the behaviour policy and the school values."
Sheryll Carter Healthy Schools Advisor Health and Wellbeing Services, Leeds City Council
06 December 2023

"We just want to express our thanks and gratitude to all the staff at Stanningley. Our son has been so much happier since starting here. He has progressed well in his learning, he looks forward to coming to school and is sad during the holidays that he isn’t here and with his friends. The school isn’t solely focused on academics, so it builds interests and strengths in other areas, building confidence and all-round enjoyment. For a child who loves sport, this school is perfect."
SPS Parent, Parent/Carer Questionnaire
November 2023
Sainsbury's School Games (Competitions)

Click to view photographs and information about the latest competitions
PE and School Sport News

Click to find out the latest news including charity events and awards. 
PE & Sport Premium
Updated Primary PE and Sport Premium Template | Sportsafe
Click to find out more information 
PE Documents

Click to read documents related to PE, including the PE Vision, PE Policy and New National Curriculum Information
Extra - Curricular Sports Clubs At S.P.S

Click to view photographs and information 
Club Links

Click to find information of clubs who we have community links with.