Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information.

Children  »  School Council

Inner West Youth Summit at Leeds Civic Hall

Schools from Bramley , Stanningley and Kirkstall came together to discuss how £50,000 should be spent on youth activities in their area. They met Lord mayor Al Garthwaite and the Mayoress of Leeds. The children got to sit in the chambers, meet our local councillors Kevin Richie, Caroline Gruen and Tom Hinchcliffe. They had a VIP tour of the Civic Hall. Then they finished their special day of with lunch at the Rose Bowl Cafe at Leeds Beckett University

Costume Sawp

The School Council have been work along side Mrs Greenwood in her role as Family Support. They have organised a school Costume swap to enable all our children to have the opportunity to have a new to you costume for world Book day. It was very successful .

World Book Day

School Council have worked hard supporting World Book Day. They went around all the classes to invite all children to dress up as their favourite character on the day. They decorated special little book marks to give out to all the children who bought a book on World Book Day. Then they helped organise and prepare for our World Book Day Discos. They even stayed in school and helped out on the little sweet stalls or serving hot dogs to the children.

GREGGS - Christmas Tree competition

We are so very proud to be the first school to submit their Decorate a Christmas Tree for The Bramley Greggs Competition. Greggs provided all schools in the local area with a lovely wooden tree template. Schools were asked to decorate them and return them so they can be displayed outside Greggs for all to see at Bramley. SPS school council work supr hard and super fast and returned their tree first and got PRIDE of place in the Greggs Staff Canteen. We are so very pleased that all the Greggs staff will be able to enjoy our tree each day whilst they enjoy their lunch and a cuppa. Thank You Greggs for inviting us to join in the fun.

Meet the New School Council Team