Children » Whole School Gallery
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- SPS Harvest
- Archive 2023/2024
- Archive 2022/2023
- Archive 2021/2022
- Archive 2019-20
- Archive 2018/19
- Archive 2017/18
Members of our Chess Club joined other schools for a Chess Simul Exhibition with Rachel Reeves MP (and Chancellor of the Exchequer). Rachel was a junior chess champion and her House of Commons team won when they played the House of Lords recently! Malcolm Pein, the CEO of Chess in Schools and Communities, joined us from London. Malcolm is an International Master chess player and captain of England Open chess team. Malcolm and Rachel played all the participants at the same time, moving from player to player between moves. Our players made Mrs Davies and Stephen, our chess teacher, incredibly proud. Both Rachel and Malcolm said that they were all excellent players and, of course, their behaviour was outstanding.
To celebrate Hravest time, the children visited St Thomas’ Church to hold their annual Harvest Festival. Classes 2-6 performed their own celebration along with whole school and choir songs. Thank you to everyone for all your kind donations of food which will be distributed in the community!
49 primary schools across Leeds took part in the Connect 7 challenge. Passing a rugby ball around seven schools in their area, to celebrate the friendship of Kevin Sinfield and Rob Burrow on what would have been Rob's birthday. It started at SPS with a whole school assembly. We talked about friendships and connecting with others. We listened to the book the Rob Burrow book too. During the day all classes connected to the challenge by completing 7 challenges. It was a great day.