About Us » PE & Sports » Sainsbury's School Games (Competitions) » September 2016 to July 2017
On Wednesday 5th July, each class took part in our School Games Competition (Spirit Alive) on the school playground (due to the wet weather preventing us from accessing the park). The children competed in different coloured teams. Each colour, represented a country that the children had been busy learning about in class. The children taking part all earned points for their team, which were then added together to create our final results.
The Rainbow Club event involves a team of 10 KS1 children competing in 9 separate activities. Each event last for 5 minutes per station and the children move between events swiftly in a clockwise direction. Points are collected at each station. The 9 activities include; Skipping, Throw and Catch, Balance, Speed Bounce, Target, Kool Kilometre, Quoit on the Head, Hockey Dribble and Chest Push. The Stanningley KS1 Rainbow Team collected 59 points to add to the overall score. Well done!
On Tuesday 6th June 2017, we were very proud to take 4x YEAR 4 children to represent Stanningley at the SSP MINI-TENNIS FINAL AT ARMLEY TENNIS CLUB. The level of player at this competition had increased and the children from Stanningley showed incredible resilience throughout. WE WERE SO PROUD - WELL DONE!!
Sky Sports Living for Sport is run in partnership with Youth Sport Trust and forms one-day sports projects with schools, supported by world-class Athlete Mentors, to inspire young people and them to build confidence and practical skills. As part of this initiative, Sky Sport Living for Sport Live allows primary school children to take part in sports, skills and challenge sessions led by world-class Sky Sports Living for Sport Athlete Mentors, with the aim of building life skills through sport. Today, Tuesday 16th May the children participated in a range of activities that included, 4 x sport based activity sessions delivered by Athlete Mentors and Volunteers from Sky and Young Leader Mentors and 1 x Healthy living session that introduced healthy food choices based around the Change4Life programme. Each of the listed sessions also focused on key life skills such as Never giving up and Facing a challenge. We are proud to announce that at the end of the day, the children from Stanningley Primary School were presented with the trophy for winning the overall event. The key life skills are embedded in our day to day learning at Stanningley and we are proud that the children could transfer these skills today. WELLDONE STANNINGLEY SUPERSTARS.
This week, we took the Y5/6 Cricket Team to LWA to play in their cricket competition. The children were fantastic and thoroughly enjoyed learning the skills of cricket! Well done all!
SO PROUD! Today, we were very proud to take a team of children from classes 3&4 to represent Stanningley Primary in a TAG Rugby competition at Leeds West Academy. The children played exceptionally well and finished the competition in second place. WELL DONE!!
The Y5/6 Mixed Tag Rugby Team played against three teams from with our cluster at this afternoons tag rugby event. The competition was incredibly strong, resulting in us coming in third position behind Valley View and Whitecote Primary School. The children worked amazingly as a team and will use what they have learnt from this event going forward into future competitions. Well done to all! We were very proud!
Click the link to find the final results for the Y5/6 football competition.
This week, the Y5/6 football team played at the next stage of the Sainsbury's School Sport Football competition. The team were absolutely fantastic! They showed fantastic team spirit and this really worked to secure the team coming first place in the competition! Stanningley Primary School and Valley View will now go forward from out cluster to the next stage of the competition. Well done to all of the players!
The SSP cross country event was held at Priesthorpe School on Wednesday 1st February. We were delighted to take a selection of children to compete individually from Y4,5&6. The Y4 circuit was approximately 900m and then extend to 1500m for years 5 and 6.
This week, the Y5/6 Girls Netball Team played at the second stage of the cluster competition. The competition standard was incredibly high and although the girls did not go through to the next stage, we were all very impressed by their determination and team work.
Our first two sports events to begin the Spring Term were in preparation for the Sainsbury's School Games Mini Tennis event. For two weeks, we have been able to take fourteen children from Y4 and Y5 to Leeds West Academy to practise their tennis skills prior to the event. The children performed brilliantly each week and showed excellent team spirit throughout the sessions. Results 5/1/17: Yr 3/4 Overall Stanningley - 139 points Bramley - 126 points Raynville - 113 points Yr 5 Overall Raynville - 154 points Stanningley - 128 - points Bramley - 79 - points Results 12/1/17:

This week, our B-Team Y5/6 football team played against other B-Teams from the cluster at LWA. This was the first competitive event for many of the boys and they gave their all! The boys lost their first game 1-0 but in their second game achieved a 2-0 victory with winning goals from Isaac and Oliver! Well done all!

This week, the Y5/6 girls from SPS competed against our cluster schools in a friendly football competition. The girls played amazingly well and gave so much effort. As a result, we came second place! A huge well done to Libby for scoring a super goal!

This week, we took our A and B Team Y5/6 Netball Team to LWA for the next stage of this years cluster netball competition. Both teams played fantastically and are through to the next round of the cluster competition. Well done all!

To begin the new half term, twenty seven children from Y5/6 attended the SSP Tag Rugby event at SARLFC. After a slow start, the children soon found their enthusiasm and played to their full potential. The teamwork, communication and behaviour of all of the children made everyone so proud!

Today, schools from the Bramley Cluster were invited to the West Leeds Activity Centre to experience some of the activities that they have to offer. Six Y5 children took park in an orienteering session and also spent time on the inflatable gladiator activity. A super time was had by all!

The Y5/6 football team made a successful start to Bramley Cluster football tournament, winning all 4 games played. The evening started well with a 3-0 win against Bramley. This continued with a 2-0 win against Bramley St. Peters and a 2-1 win against Raynville. The final match was against Whitecote, where with a 1-0 win the boys ended the evening unbeaten.