Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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About Us  »  PE & Sports  »  Sainsbury's School Games (Competitions)  »  September 2015 to July 2016


Today, in our celebration assembly, medals were presented to the School Games winning team = THE BLACK TEAM. It was a very close competition with only 3 points separating 1st and 2nd place. For more information regarding the overall results click on the link, in the entry below.


Click on the document below to view the results from the 2016 School Games Competition. The competition was very close and we were very proud of every individual competitor.


On Tuesday 5th July, the whole school went on to Stanningley Park to take part in the 2016 School Games (Spirit Alive). The children competed in different coloured teams. Each colour, represented a country and the children had been busy learning about the different countries and their cultures. The children taking part all earned points for their team.

Y5/6 ROUNDERS - SUMMER 2 - 30/6/16

A team of children from Years 5 and 6 took part in a rounders competition at Leeds West Academy. Despite the sudden downpour of rain the children had a great night and managed to win all 3 of their games. Well done to our team!

Leeds Mini-Tennis City Finals - Summer 2 - 22/06/16

Four children from year four competed in the Leeds Mini Tennis Finals. The top ten schools in the city played each other at the Indoor Tennis Center at John Charles Center for Sport. The competition was fierce with many competitors regular club players. Our children performed fantastically and are now the ninth best team in Leeds!

SSP Bramley Olympics 2016 - Summer 2 - 21/6/16
SSP Bramley Olympics 2016 - Summer 2 - 21.6.16

Today, Tuesday 21st June 2016, Stanningley took a team of 30 pupils to represent the school at the Bramley Olympics. The event was held at John Charles Stadium, Leeds. This outdoor track and field event involved the children participating in athletics events against the eight other schools in our cluster. This year, Stanningley performed the best yet, resulting in our school receiving the bronze medals and third place! Well done to the children from 'Valley View,' who were the competition winners. ALL children should be incredibly PROUD of themselves - you were AMAZING! Well done!


A team of 10 children from KS1 went to Leeds West Academy to compete in the Rainbow Event.

SSP Y5/6 CRICKET - SUMMER 1 - 20/5/16

Today, Stanningley Primary School were pleased to take a Y5/6 mixed cricket team to play in the SSP Y5/6 Cricket Competition at Farsley Cricket Club. The team were exceptionally behaved and showed great sportsmanship. Unfortunately they narrowly missed winning the competition by only a few points. We are all incredibly proud. A super second place result. Well done!


The mixed netball team made a great start to the evening winning the first game in their group 7-0 against Pudsey Bolton Royd B. They continued playing well with a 4-0 win against Hollybush. The third match was against Castleton and the team won 3-1 with Castleton only managing to score in the closing seconds. The final group match against Lower Wortley was more of a challenge with a final score of 2-2. Stanningley were Group winners and went through to the Semi Finals. Unfortunately, for Stanningley, Bolton Royd A went on to the finals. STANNINGLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL CAME THIRD OUT OF THE THIRTEEN TEAMS THAT STARTED. Well done to all who played!!!

TRI-GOLF - SUMMER 1 - 13/5/16

In November 2000, the Golf Foundation launched a ‘mini’ version of golf specifically for use by young children in primary schools. Today, were very proud to take a Tri-Golf team to compete at LWA against our cluster schools. The team had a very successful evening and when the scores were announced we were very proud of our second place.


Congratulations again to our Y5/6 Football Team on qualifying for the SSP Football final at Priesthorpe. The team had a very successful evening qualifying with the top four teams into the semi-final. The team played Park Spring in the Semi- Finals where despite a very close game Park Spring scored the goal that took them through to the final. Proudly, we left with joint third place medals after drawing with Holy Family. Well done all, you were all amazing. 35 teams from the West started this competition and you finished third!!!!!!!!!!


To begin this terms events, children from Y5/6 competed in a mixed tag rugby session at Stanningley Rugby Club. The standard was very high, with all four teams competing putting is so much effort. Stanningley came first, winning two out of the four games, drawing one and losing one game in the final minute! Well done to all who took part! Especially KG who powered through every game and HW who was celebrating his tenth birthday!

Y6 TABLE TENNIS - SPRING 2 - 31/3/16

This session was an introductory session to table tennis, building upon any existing skills and developing new ones. The children had a super time and showed that they are extremely talented. It is hoped that there will be more opportunity for table tennis within the cluster again soon! Well done all!

Y5/6 FOOTBALL - SPRING 2 - 24/3/16

Following on from their successful first round win, the Y5/6 football team played exceptionally well at this evenings second round. Stanningley won four out of the six games played, drawing on a fifth and lost the sixth in the final minute! The team played incredibly well, showing great enthusiasm and teamwork. The final score was 29 points. Stanningley and Whitecoate (27 points) will go forward to compete at the West Leeds finals. Well done all!


On Friday 18th March, Y6 took part in an orienteering competition that was organised by Team Activ and Fulneck School as part of Sport Relief day. The competition was a super opportunity for the children to take part in a fun, adventurous, challenging afternoon of orienteering around the grounds of Fulneck School. The activity linked to many areas of the National Curriculum; enhancing social skills, teamwork, decision making, fitness & wellbeing and more. We were very pleased to find out that the winning team was a team from Stanningley!!!

Y5/6 5-A-SIDE FOOTBALL - SPRING 2 - 11/3/16

Unfortunately due to a water logged field we had a change to the Y5/6 football competition. Instead the children played a 5 a side competition in the MUGA. It was decided that the points from this competition would not be carried through. However, Stanningley had a very successful night and finished competition winners.

Y5/6 5-A-SIDE FOOTBALL - SPRING 2 - 10/3/16
Y3/4 FOOTBALL - SPRING 2 - 03/03/16

Tonight, the Y3/4 football team played together for the first time, against three other schools in our cluster. We were very proud of the way that the children worked together in a team.


On Tuesday 1st March Stanningley Primary took a team of children to compete in the cross country event at Priesthorpe School. The team involved children from years 4, 5 and 6 and they were all AMAZING! The weather was a little challenging at times, but the children did not let this deter them! We are pleased to announce that the Y5 girls came fourth in their event, the Year 6 girls came fifth and the year 5 boys came sixth. In total, thirteen schools competed and the competition standard was high - you were all STARS!

Y5/6 FOOTBALL - SPRING 2 - 25/2/16

The Y5/6 team made a successful start to the cluster football competition. The competition will run over 3 nights and we were very pleased to finish the first stage with the most points. We are already looking forward to the next set of games in a few weeks time.


Press on the link to view the football results from week 1 of the Y5/6 football competition.


On Thursday 4th February a team of 6 girls represented Stanningley at the Netball Cluster Final at LWA. The girls played incredibly well and won 3 of the 4 games they played. Overall Stanningley came 2nd in the Cluster. Congratulations to Bramley who qualified to represent our cluster at the West Leeds SSP finals!

Y4/5 SSP MINI TENNIS - SPRING 1 - 4/2/16

A team of children from Years 4 and 5 took part in a mini tennis competition at Priesthorpe High School. Year 5 did fantastically well and just missed out on first place by 3 points. Year 4 went one place further by winning their round. Well done to all our tennis superstars!

Y3/4/5 A TEAM MINI TENNIS - SPRING 1 - 14/1/16

On Thursday 14th January, a second team of children attended the Mini Tennis competition at Leeds West Academy. The children from Stanningley competed against children from Raynville, Bramley and Valley View Primary Schools.

Y3/4/5 B TEAM MINI TENNIS - SPRING 1 - 7/1/16

The children from Stanningley competed against Bramley St. Peters and Valley View in a Tennis competition at Leeds West Academy. None of the children had competed in a tennis tournament before and the staff were very impressed with the standard of skill and also the sportsmanship.

Y5/6 - 5 A SIDE FOOTBALL - AUTUMN 2 - 17/12/15

The boys had a very successful night playing against four other teams in the 5 a-side competition at Leeds West Academy. Together, they managed to win all of their matches and displayed excellent sportsmanship. The team gained maximum points and were outright winners of the competition. Well done boys! We were all very proud of you.

Y5/6 - 5 A SIDE FOOTBALL - AUTUMN 2 - 17/12/15
Y5/6 GIRLS - 5 A-SIDE FOOTBALL - AUTUMN 2 - 10/12/15

The girls played three fantastic games during the Y5/6 Girls Football Competition. The standard was high, but Stanningley managed to win two out of the three games played and drew on the third. The team came joint first place with Bramley, with a three point goal difference ahead of Bramley too! Amazing work girls, well done!

Y5/6 Athletics - Autumn 2 - 29.11.15

The children from Year 5/6 competed in the indoor athletics competition at Farnley Academy. Every child put so much effort into every event that they entered. The competition was very tough and we are all so proud of how the children performed. Stanningley came third place, just missing second place by four points difference. Well done team!


On Thursday 19th November and Thursday 3rd December 2015 a selection of children from KS2 attended a Multi-Skills session at Leeds West Academy. The event consisted of a carousel of taster sessions in four different inclusive sports - Boccia, Tri-Golf, Goalball & New Age Kurling.

Y5/6 GIRLS NETBALL - AUTUMN 2 - 12/11/15

Tonight, Thursday 12th November, a team of Y6 girls represented Stanningley in the group stage of the Hi-5 Netball competition. Stanningley had a very successful evening winning games against Summerfield, Hollybush and Christ the King and having a 1-1 draw with Bramley. The girls are now through to the next stage in the competition and will play again on the 4th February. The winning team, at that stage, will qualify to represent the Bramley Cluster at the West Leeds SSP finals night. Well done girls.

TAG RUGBY - AUTUMN 2 - 06/11/15

Today, Friday 6th November 2015, Stanningley were one of twenty five teams to enter the Schools Sport Partnership, Tag Rugby Competition. The competition was held at SARLC and the children were lucky to play on the main club pitch. Stanningley started the competition in Pool E. Stanningley won their first game against Summerfield 4-0. The second game was against Pudsey Lowtown and was another win to Stanningley 3-1. The third game brought our first defeat against Lower Wortley with a score of 2-1. The last pool game brought us a 4-0 win against ValleyView. The winners of Pool E were Lower Wortley but we went through to the next stage of the competition due to our high score. Stanningley were excited to play in the Quarter Finals. They won their first match making it to the semi final. Unfortunately a try was disallowed and after a player was injured, the team narrowly missed out on the final by losing against Parkside. Proudly we can announce that Stanningley won the play off round and came third in the Tag Rugby Competition. Well done team Stanningley. YOU WERE AMAZING!

Sportshall Athletics - Autumn 1 - 8.10.15

For the Sportshall Athletics event, we were able to take eighteen children from Year 5 and Year 6 to Leeds West Academy. Once there, the session enabled the children to practise all of the events that they would take part in during the forthcoming competitions. What a fantastic team of children! The sportsmanship, encouragement and drive from all children made all of the staff at SPS incredibly proud! Well done!


The first School Sport Partnership event of the year was the Cross Country at The Farnley Academy. This was an introductory event, and the qualifier for the WY School games will be on Tuesday 1st March. All of the children were amazing and showed real determination. We were pleased to announce that KG came second in the Y6 Boys event and was a presented with a medal. We were so proud of all our athletes - you did us proud!!!!

Brownlee Foundation Triathlon - Autumn 1 - 28th September '15

On Monday 28th September 2015 a selection of children from Upper Key Stage 2 represented Stanningley at the triathlon Event at John Charles Stadium for Sport. You will no doubt be aware of the successes of the Brownlee Brothers Triathlon competitors over the past few years. We were delighted to be part of a wonderful opportunity for schools that involved a Triathlon experience with Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee. The Brownlee foundation had been set up by Alistair and Jonny so they could give something back to the Leeds School community. The brothers are adamant that a lot of their success is down to people they met as youngsters around schools, clubs and events who had a fantastic passion for sport. The event involved a selection of KS2 children having an opportunity to try the disciplines of the triathlon. All the children swam 30m, cycled 1k and ran 400M (all distances are approx.)

Netball Skills Night - Autumn 1 - 24th September '15

Today, 8 girls from class 5 attended a High-5 Netball skills training session at Leeds West Academy. The girls had to participate in a number of netball drills as well as taking part in a few small sided games. The girls had a fabulous time.