About Us » PE & Sports » Sainsbury's School Games (Competitions) » September 2013 to July 2014
Stanningley Primary School Sports Fixtures 2013/14
Spirit Alive 2014 - Team Winners
Today, Friday 11th July, the winners of the 2014 Spirit Alive (Sports Day) were announced. The overall team winners with a grand total of 736 points were the YELLOW TEAM = SPAIN ! Thank you to all the adults at home who turned up on the park to show their support for the children. The day was a huge success.

Spirt Alive (Sports Day) - 9th July 2014
On Wednesday 9th July the sun was shining for the 2014, Stanningley Primary School, Sports Day. The whole school from Nursery to Year 6 took part in the event. The children from Reception Class to Y6 were split into teams and ran for points in this whole school Sainsburys School Games Competition.