Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information.

About Us  »  PE & Sports  »  Sainsbury's School Games (Competitions)  »  September 2013 to July 2014

Stanningley Primary School Sports Fixtures 2013/14
Spirit Alive 2014 - Team Winners

Today, Friday 11th July, the winners of the 2014 Spirit Alive (Sports Day) were announced. The overall team winners with a grand total of 736 points were the YELLOW TEAM = SPAIN ! Thank you to all the adults at home who turned up on the park to show their support for the children. The day was a huge success.

Spirt Alive (Sports Day) - 9th July 2014

On Wednesday 9th July the sun was shining for the 2014, Stanningley Primary School, Sports Day. The whole school from Nursery to Year 6 took part in the event. The children from Reception Class to Y6 were split into teams and ran for points in this whole school Sainsburys School Games Competition.

Y5/6 Basketball - Spring 2 - 19 Mar 2014

On Wednesday 19th March a team of children competed in the Local Schools Basketball Conference League. The competition was held at Priesthorpe School and run by Claude Bandawe. The team from Stanningley won the competition. WELL DONE STANNINGLEY!!