Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 5 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Archive 2018/19

Samba at the Civic

Year 5 took a walk down to Pudsey Civic to take part in a Samba performance along with some other schools. They were absolutely fantastic!

Sports Day

What a glorious day it was for Sports Day this year!

Race for Life 2019

Here are Class 5 taking part in this years Race for Life!

Maths - Fractions

Here are some of the children in Class 5 learning all about how to add, subtract and multiply when working with fractions. They have worked so hard on this unit of work!

Science - Forces

Our topic this half term is `Forces`. In this session we had to use a variety of newton meters to measure the force of objects in the classroom.

Mindmate - Stereotypes

The children in Class 5 learned all about stereotypes and how these have changed over the years. They had to watch adverts from many years ago to current ones and explore who each advert was aimed at and if there was an stereotyping in each. Also, they then had to create a non-stereotypical princess.

Our trip to the Alps

Year 5 began their journey with a helicopter ride over the Swiss Alps. We then unpacked and watched some winter sports. Our food then arrived and we tucked into Camembert with our crusty bread and enjoyed some Kinder chocolate alongside it. As we ate, we watched some Alpine entertainment, listened to some folk music and watched the local wildlife. The children then took to the stage for some dancing before we had to board the helicopter back home. What a great time we all had!

Spring Concert
Viking Assembly

What a great assembly we put on! I hope you all enjoyed learning about the Vikings - I know we did!

Science in Year 5

Today we planted some broad beans and hope to see them grow in the next few weeks! Be sure to keep an eye out!

Colin and Julie Workshop

Here are the children in Classes 5 and 6 performing in the Colin and Julie workshop. They were looking at the story of Macbeth and putting on a great show!

Practical Geography

Here the children looked at how mountains are formed over time. They carried out an experiment using three pieces of layered play dough to represent a tectonic plate and looked at what happens when two of these plates move together which would cause the ground to rise.

Christmas Cards and Calendars

Here are the children showing off their Christmas card and calendar designs! Happy Holidays!

Science Week

Year 5 enjoyed a Science Week learning all about the properties of materials - they even carried out a range of experiments and fair tests. The children separated a range of materials, learnt about mixtures and solutions and began to understand the terms evaporation and dissolving. They had such a good time!

Colin and Julie Workshop

We all took part in a slavery based workshop with resident poets Colin and Julie. As always we all had a fantastic time and put on an amazing performance for parents.

A special visit from author Amy Wilson

Year 5/6 were very lucky to have a special visit from British author Amy Wilson who came to promote her new book `Snowglobe` and inspire the children in a short discussion and workshop. Some even managed to grab an early release of the new book before it even hits the stores!

Art Week

Year 5 created their very own Andy Warhol paintings as part of Art Week. We look forward to seeing the finished product!

The Blitz

As part of our Geography topic - changes in the world over time - the children spent a lesson looking at WW2. The focus was on the Coventry Blitz and how this city in the West Midlands was almost destroyed on the 14th November 1940. Here are some pictures showing our children completing their work on this in class - we even had some old wartime songs playing as we worked.

School Council

The children in Class 5 spent the week writing out their school council speeches in the hope of being chosen to represent the school. The secret ballot took place in the hall and the lucky children chosen were announced in a special assembly!