Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Year 5/6 Summer Show - 'Hoodwinked'

WOW! What an amazing performance the children from both Year Five and Year Six gave for our end of year production! Every single child was AMAZING and the effort they all put in to learning all their lines, songs and routines was exemplary. A HUGE thank you to all children involved for entertaining us so incredibly well. You are all STARS!

3.7.19 - Sports Day 2019

Children who were not enjoying their transition day at High School enjoyed their final Sports Day at Stanningley Primary today. We had a super day and it was a pleasure to see so many children enjoying the day!

Race for Life 2019 - 21.6.19

Year Six enjoyed their final Race for Life at Stanningley Primary School today! They were incredibly supportive to all of the classes and showed fantastic determination to run as many laps as they possibly could! Well done to all and a HUGE thank you to all adults who sponsored the children!

Year Six Transition Project - 19.6.19

This afternoon, Year Six were involved in an exciting transition project that will continue when all children enter Year Seven. It is being led by the Bramley Youth Services Team and is a fantastic opportunity for the children to not only keep in touch but also to discuss and concerns or worries that they may have about leaving Stanningley. We were very proud of the children's attitude and behaviour during the session and feel that they really benefited from the session. Well done to all!

The Digestive System - Science - 18.6.19

This term, Year Six have been learning about the digestive system. They were challenged to create a presentation to explain how nutrients travel through our bodies. I was very impressed with the knowledge that the children showed! Well done Year Six!

24.5.19 - Story sharing with Year 1

To celebrate all the hard work year 1 have put into their 'Naughty Bus' stories, the children shared them with the oldest children in the school. Year 6 were fabulous with the younger children and even helped them to 'purple pen' edit and improve their work.

14.5.19 - Spanish - Describing our City

This term, the children have been learning how to describe the city of Leeds in Spanish. They have explored tourist sites and key building in the city and through role play and a range of different interactive activities, they have all been able to sustain a conversation in Spanish for a lengthy amount of time!

9.5.19 - Music - Tabla Drumming

This term, the children have been learning how to play tabla drums by using the actual drums themselves and a tabla drumming application on the iPads. The tabla is a membranophone percussion instrument originating from the Indian subcontinent, consisting of a pair of drums, used in traditional, classical, popular and folk music. Each child has been taught a range of different rhythms and they have learnt how to find the beat within a piece of tabla music. This lesson was extra special as we were able to sing along to traditional songs too!

22.3.19 - Skipping School Workshop

To end our Healthy Week, the whole school welcomed back Jodie from Skipping School to Stanningley! The children had a super skipping workshop and really enjoyed the opportunity to exercise in such a fun and sociable way!

18.3.19 - D-SIDE Drugs Education - Healthy Week

Today, Dave from D-SIDE Drugs Education visited Stanningley Primary once again to complete the children’s KS2 education about the dangers and risks of being subjected to a range of drugs (ranging from smoking and alcohol to illegal drugs). The children were AMAZING in today’s session. They dealt with a mature subject matter sensibly and spoke very knowledgeably about their understanding of the risks of taking illegal drugs and why people may choose to do this. These sessions are incredibly beneficial to ALL children; especially in Year 6 as they prepare to enter Secondary School.

7.7.19 - World Book Day

Wow! What an amazing effort the children made today for World Book Day. We had a super day and the costumes were astounding. Thank you all for your support with costumes for today.

4.3.19 - Moving Words - Macbeth Workshop

We welcomed back Colin, Julie and Adam from 'Moving Words' today to get our annual Book Week off to a super start. What a fantastic day we had. The children worked incredibly hard to learn a movement and voice based piece that told the story of Macbeth in twenty minutes! I was amazed at the amazing characters the children developed and their dedication to the workshop as a whole. Thank you to those adults from home who were able to join us for the performance at the end of the day!

27.2.19 - Macbeth Role Play

This term, the children are exploring Shakespeare's Macbeth within English lessons. To help with understanding of language, we used a short script to carry out a role play of the famous 'Witches on the Heath' scene! The children had to create freeze-frames to begin and start their piece and focus on clear characterisation. We were blown away by their performances and cannot wait to see what next week brings!

14.2.19 - Samba Drumming Workshop

We were incredibly lucky this week to welcome Dave to SPS who spent the day teaching Samba music skills to all classes. Year 6 had a fantastic time and were fortunate to spend a little longer with Dave as they performed to the whole school and adults from home at the end of the day! What a super time we had (even Mrs White!).

12.2.19 - Science - Light

In our science lesson today, the children explored ways in which light travels from a source to enable us to see. Using wool to represent the ray of light, children demonstrated this in various ways in small groups!

5.2.19 - The Highwayman

This term, the children are working on the famous narrative poem - The Highwayman - by Alfred Noyes. In the lesson today, working in small groups, the children learnt a stanza of the poem by heart and performed it to the class. Each stanza 'flowed' into the next and the children told the take perfectly!

1.2.19 - NSPCC Number Day

Today the school celebrated everything 'number' in a range of themed tasks aimed at making number fun! Children were asked to come dressed in a 'number theme' in order to raise money for the NSPCC. Thank you to you all for your kind donations!

29.1.19 - NSPCC Workshop

The NSPCC were welcomed into Class 6 today to involve the children in a very important workshop focussing on different forms of abuse. The children handled this serious subject matter incredibly maturely and we were blown away with the input each and every child gave.

10.1.19 - Ukulele Lesson!

This term, ALL children in Class Six are being given the fantastic opportunity to learn the ukulele. In the first lesson, the children were shown how to hold the instrument and how to strum the strings. Mrs Rivers was very impressed by how quickly the children grasped the basics! We look forward to inviting you to our performance at the end of Spring Term!

9.1.19 - Science - Electrical Circuit Investigation

This week, the children were given a scientific question to investigate independently. I asked them if the length of electrical wire would impact on how components worked within a circuit. From this, children worked in groups to devise a method, a prediction and independently record results. I was very impressed by the level of understanding that the class showed during the sessions - well done all!

20.12.18 - Christmas Service

For the Christmas Service, six children from Year 6 were chosen to be readers. They read the Christmas Story beautifully and were absolute role models. The choir also performed superbly!

19.12.18 - Christmas Party Day

What a super day we had today! The children looked amazing in their party clothes and enjoyed a fun-filled party day filled with music, dancing, food and even a visit from Father Christmas!

7.12.18 - Cross Stitch!

This week, the children have been learning how to cross stitch! It took a lot of perseverance but EVERY child can now successfully complete at least one row of cross stitch. Myself and Mrs White are very proud of your determination Class 6!

5.12.18 - Science - Creating an Electrical Circuit

This term, the children are learning all about electrical circuits and how different variables can influence each circuit that they produce. In today's lesson, the children had to remember how to create a circuit by simply being given the equipment to do so! Once mastered, I then set them the challenge of finding out how to make bulbs brighter and motors faster! I was very impressed with what the children could remember and I am very excited for the lessons to follow. When done all!

21.11.18 - Robinwood Assembly

The children led a fantastic assembly based upon their experiences at Robinwood. Every child wrote about their favourite activity and shared it with the rest of the school and adults from home. Everyone read fantastically - well done!

19.11.18 - Maths - Cubed Numbers

The children had to explore how and why 'cubed numbers' have been given such a term using multi-link cubes and a set of challenge questions! I was incredibly impressed by their mathematical reasoning!

16.11.18 - Children in Need

In support of Children in Need 2018, the children took part in 'spotty themed' activities and were able to wear the spottiest clothes they could find! We were incredibly lucky to have a visit from the big bear himself - PUDSEY! Thank you for your donations for such a worthy cause.

Science - Natural Selection Investigation - 25.10.18

During our science lesson, the children investigated how Charles Dawin came to his conclusions about Natural Selection. They were exploring his findings about finches on the Galapagos Islands and how their beaks differed to enable them to survive within their environment (specific island). The children used tweezers and chopsticks to replicate the differing beaks in order to find out which 'beak type' would be able to grasp and eat seeds! The results were exactly as we predicted - the tweezers (replicating ground finches) were the best at grasping the seeds!

25.10.18 - Halloween Disco

What a fantastic time everyone had at the halloween disco everyone had! I was so impressed by ALL the costumes! You looked AMAZING!

Robin Wood - October 2018 - Wood Group

During their first day at Robin Wood, Wood Group enjoyed completing the trapeze activity. The height was very daunting but ALL children faced their fears and completed the challenge. This evening, the children enjoyed a delicious evening meal and competed in the team challenge! During day two, the children completed the 'Alien Conspiracy' within the local woodland. Following this, fun was had on the climbing wall and 'Crate Challenge'. This involved the children having to really push themselves to overcome some fears and persevere when struggling. Mr Nathan was so impressed with how the children managed to do this. The 'Dungeon of Doom' involved the children having to work as a team and solve lots of clues and puzzles to 'escape'. The teamwork shown was amazing and the all truly deserved to succeed within the challenge. A good night's sleep is very much needed!

Robin Wood - October 2018 - Hill Group

During the first day at Robin Wood, Hill Group enjoyed completed the Alien Conspiracy challenge within the local woodland. Lots of teamwork enabled the children to succeed in the challenge which was lovely to see. Following this, all children completed the trapeze challenge - it was very high! After a delicious evening meal and the Team Challenge, all of the children were ready for bed! Day 2 began with caving followed by bouldering. Hill Group enjoyed a visit from Mrs Brewer who also completed these challenges with the children. After a delicious lunch, it was time for climbing followed by the 'Piranha Pool'. This involved the children having to work as a team to solve lots of clues and cross the pool without falling in! All children succeeded and showed excellent perseverance and resilience. To end the day, children completed the 'Crate Challenge' and the 'Dungeon of Doom'. This involved the children having to once again work as a team in order to solve clues to enable them to escape the dungeon. However...there were a few spooky creatures who didn't make this task easy! After a very busy day, all children are very much in need of a good night's sleep! By day 3, everyone was getting VERY tired! However, there was no time to even think about being tired as the children completed their final activities (archery and 'Night Line') before preparing to come home. A super residential had by all of Hill Group!

Robin Wood - October 2018 - Valley Group

Day one at Robin Wood was action packed! Valley Group enjoyed the climbing wall, the trapeze and the Piranha Pool! To end the day, the children enjoyed a warm shower, delicious food and Team Challenge! We can't wait for tomorrow! Day 2 - WOW! Today was action packed. To start the day, the children spent the morning on the moors bouldering. This was incredibly challenging and took a lot of perseverance but ALL children completed the challenge and were incredibly proud! Following this, the children went caving and then completed the Night Line challenge. This challenge was absolutely hilarious and involved the children using their senses to complete an obstacle course blindfolded. Finally, the children tackled the crate challenge and 'enjoyed' the Dungeon of Doom' before bed! We have some very tired children this evening! Day 3 quickly arrived but there was no time to feel tired! Off the children went into the local area to solve the 'Alien Conspiracy' challenge. I was so impressed by the teamwork, determination and courage within this challenge - the photographs taken clearly show this too! Following this, the group took part in an archery session using real bow and arrows! Again - amazing determination shown by all. Valley Group have been amazing to work with over the past three days and should feel very proud of all their achievements!

8.10.18 - Black History - Moving Words Workshop and Performance
26.9.18 - Science- Evolution and Inheritance

This term, during science lessons Class 6 are learning all about evolution and inheritance. In our lesson this week, the children conducted an experiment to find out about how the adaptation of animals to enable them to camouflage can be incredibly beneficial! We tested to see which colour pieces of paper we would naturally be drawn towards to pick up with tweezers when on certain backgrounds.

WC 17.9.18 - Bikeability

This week, Class 6 completed Level 1 and Level 2 Bikeability. Firstly, all children gained confidence riding a boke safely in the playground. Following this, children progressed to Level 2 Bikeability which involved children going into the local residential areas and learning how to ride their bikes safely on the roads within them. Every child tried so hard and a fantastic time was had by all!

17.9.18 - Sports at Leeds West Academy

Class 6 were invited to attend a sports session at Leeds West Academy which was planned and led by the Year 11 BTEC PE students from LWA. It was a superb session and the children had a fantastic time!

24.9.18 - Student Council Results

Congratulations to Aya, Sarah, Lewie and Zachary who were elected as our School Council representatives! Well done to ALL children in class for writing such fantastic speeches too!

WC 10.9.18 - Student Council

This week, the children wrote their School Council speeches. Every child read out their speech to the entire class and then we voted for two boys and two girls to represent Class 6 on the Student Council. This was a private ballot and children were encouraged to vote for the people who they felt would be the best representatives for our class.