Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 1 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Year 1 Class Archive 2020-2021

It's Coming Home

Year 1 have celebrated England reaching the finals this afternoon. They have made flags, sang songs and paraded around the playground.

Year 1 learning rhythm

In music this half term we are learning all about rhythm. The children loved trying out their drumming skills to one of their favourite songs.

Sorting Animals

In science we are learning about animals. This week the children learnt about the different categories of animal - reptile, fish, amphibian, bird, insect and mammal. The children loved sorting the animals into the different categories and they were very good at it too!!

Lost and Found

This week we have been looking at the book Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. We pretended we were the boy who had found the lost penguin and we thought about what we would think and say.

Penny's talent

Penny was really excited to show us her new talent today. She has started majorettes and loved showing us her moves! It was lovely to see Penny!

In science the children loved showing off their knowledge of different animals. The children each chose their favourite animal to draw and label. We looked at how some animals have very similar body parts and some had very different parts.

Henry Rousseau Art

This week we have been looking at the artwork of Henry Rousseau. We used his use of colour and his images of the rainforest to create our own versions of his images using oil pastels. The children loved using the pastels and experimenting mixing the different colours together. We were all very impressed with their work.

Name that flower!

This week in science we have been learning about the parts of a flower. Today we all made our own individual flowers and we labelled the different parts.

Marvellous Maths!

In maths this week we have been looking at arrays. As a class we found it tricky last week so we have had another go. We have been making different arrays using counters. Well done class one!

Local Walk

In geography this half term we are learning all about our local area. We went on a walk to see what buildings we could see close to our school. We found the pharmacy, many shops and the doctors. We also found the park and because we had behaved so well, we had time for a little play!!

Bikability Day 3

The children all worked so hard this week and they all made good progress from their starting point. Some were able to ride one handed and negotiate obstacles, some had made the huge leap of pedaling their bike! We are so proud of the resilience shown this week!

Bikeability Day 2

Another fantastic day today! All children accessed a pedal bike today and they worked so hard to get moving on it. Please see the photos of the progress they have all made! Well done for another fab day Year 1!!

Bikeability Day 1

The children LOVED their first session today. We are very proud of the children and how well they have all persevered, especially those children who were finding balancing a little tricky at first but were able to attempt using pedals. I know we will see lots of children whizzing about by the end of the week!! Well done Class 1.

Beanstalk Video

Here is the video we managed to capture of the beanstalk growing in the playground!!

Science - plants and seeds

The children have started their science learning by looking at what a plant needs to grow. The children each had a bean bag to represent their seeds, sometimes the seeds were sown by the wind and sometimes the seeds fell to the ground. Then, the children had the elements of water, soil, sun and space on cards. The children had to collect a card with each of the elements on in order for their seed to grow. Unfortunately, this was not always possible so some seeds didn't grow! The seeds also had to beware of the sneaky squirrels that would come along to eat their seeds!

St George's Day

The children loved hearing the story of St George. They all learned how George rescued the princess from the evil dragon! The children looked at the cross of St George and they all made their own flags to take home!

Jim and The Beanstalk acting

As part of our learning about Jim and the Beanstalk, the children acted out sections of the story. We thought about what our body might be doing and about what our faces would be doing. We then froze at a point in the story and the children took turns to say how their character was feeling. The children were amazing at this and all had lots of fun.

Measuring using a ruler

This week, year 1 have been practising their measuring. They began by using non-standard measures such as cubes, then they moved onto standard measures with their rulers. The children learnt to hold their ruler the right way around and to begin their measurements from the 0 line on the ruler. The children measured a range of items in the classroom, then went on to add measures together and find the difference between two amounts.


In year 1, we are lucky enough to have frogspawn! The children have loved watching it and seeing how it changes. We have looked at the life cycle of a frog and we know once the egg starts to grow a tadpole will hatch. The tadpoles will then eat the egg membrane and continue to grow two sets of legs before becoming a frog!

Home learning WC 11th January 2021

We have been blown away with the work you have sent in this week. You are all amazing and you are clearly working SO hard with everything we are asking you to do! Well done superstars! We loved seeing your snow photos too!

Stars of the week 18.12.20
Christmas Week

We have had the best Christmas week .

Stars of the week 11.12.20

A big well done to Cievah, our class star for all her effort on the carpet. Well done to our friendship star Mollie, for always using kind words and being a good friends.

Cash For kids

The children all loved fabulous today in their Christmas outfits! Thank you so much for all your donations!

Science - materials

This week in science we wanted to apply all our learning about materials. We tried to build a house for the three little pigs. We thought about what properties we would need in a house - it would need to be waterproof and strong. We then looked at the different materials of straw, sticks and bricks. The children had to say which material they wanted to use and why. The children loved making their houses and because they were well planned, all the houses survived the 'big bad wolf test'! Well done year 1!

Maths Shape Hunt

Shape hunt - Maths This week in maths we have been looking at 2d and 3d shapes. We completed a shape hunt to apply our learning and to see what shapes we could find in our environment. We loved applying our learning.

Stars of the Week 04.12.20

A big well done to our stars. Ava Grace for amazing hard work with her learning this week. She has tried so hard with every area and we are so proud of her! Also a big well done to our friendship star Azra. You are always a good friend to everyone and the whole class agreed you should be awarded the star this week!

Welcome to Rainbow ... the Christmas Elf

On 1st December we had a new member join our class. Rainbow the Christmas elf. The children have loved finding her on a morning then filling in their own elf diary! Keep checking in for the weekly updates about what she has been up to!

Little Red Riding Hood

In literacy we have been learning our own version of the story of Little Red Riding Hood using our own story map. The children have loved learning the words and actions in preparation for a writing session next week.

Stars of the Week 27.11.20

Well done to Penny, our friendship star this week, for always being a good friend to everyone in year one. She is always helping and sharing with others. Well done to our class star, Callum! He has returned to year one in a positive and settled way and we are so happy to have you back Callum!

International Childrens' Day

To celebrate this special day, all the children were awarded a individual certificate to celebrate how special they are. We loved thinking of different things to celebrate about each child!

Stars of the Week 20.11.20

A big well done to Luis for always being a good friend. Also well done to Archie L for trying SO hard with all his learning this week!

Stars of the Week 13.11.20

Well done to Brooke for always being a good friend to everyone. Also a big well done to Arnie for trying so hard with all his independent learning.

Stars of the The Week 6.11.20

A big well done to Rudy this week. He has been trying so hard with all his learning in class and at home. We are so proud of his positivity! He is our class star! Poppy S was awarded the friendship star for always being a good friend to everyone in our class. Thank you for always looking out for everyone Poppy!

PE Circuits

In Friday PE we are continuing with our circuits which build our core strength and our balancing ability. We are using more equipment each week. This week we were able to use the wall bars which we all loved!! They were great to hang and climb on.

Autumn Senses Work

This week we have been learning about all things Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk and used our senses to write a list of adjectives. We will use these next week in our writing to create our own Autumn poems. We loved collecting things from our walk to bring into our classroom! We found leaves of all shapes, colours and sizes, conkers, acorns and pine cones!

Home learning WC 19.10.20

A huge well done to all the children and parents for their successful week of home learning. Your children have worked so hard to continue their learning at home and we have LOVED seeing photos of what they have been up to. We have decided that ALL THE CHILDREN IN YEAR ONE AND THEIR GROWN UPS are the stars of the week! We think you are amazing for managing this week so well. Thank you for all your support!!

Elmer Talk for Writing

This week we have been practising our talk for writing. We 'talk' through a story with actions, then we try to write it. We used a text map to help us learn it and now we're starting to write our own Elmer stories.

Finger Gym

In year 1, we know how important it is to build strength in our writing muscles. Every morning and at different points in the day, we complete activities to strengthen our writing muscles to help us when we are writing. These are just a few of the activities we like to complete.

Science - My Body

In science we have been learning all about our body parts. We have been building our own class skeleton Shelly and learning why skeletons are important. We have tried making our own skeletons, exercising our finger muscles by playing 'Operation' and we have been labeling our own body parts.

Stars of the Week 09.10.20

Well done Kwandie! Our respect star this week was chose for his wonderful manners to everyone in school. We are proud to have you in year 1 Kwandie! Our class star this week was Penny!! She has been trying so hard with all her learning in class and has been unstoppable with her work at home! We are all so proud of you both for your hard work! Well done!

Stars of the Week 02.10.20

Well done to this week's Stars. Myla was our respect star, for always showing respect and being ready to learn. She always uses a quiet hand and tries really hard to answer questions. Freddie is our star of the week for having such enthusiasm for his learning. He has produced a some lovely homework too and and we are so proud of him! Well done stars!

Stars of the Week 25.9.20

Well done to Jacek! He was this week's star for the way he has settled into year 1! He is growing in confidence daily and is ALWAYS making the right choices! We are so proud of you Jacek. Oliver C was our respect star this week for always listening so well on the carpet. We are really proud of how respectful he is!

Our second week in year 1

We have been having a lovely time exploring our environments and learning our routines. We have loved exploring the trim trail and testing our balancing skills! We sang songs and explored rhythm with Mrs Rivers in our first music lesson as year 1.

Stars of the Week 18.9.20

A huge well done to our stars this week! Harry was star of the week for settling so well into year 1 and working hard on finding his voice to join in when working in a group. You are becoming so brave Harry well done! Our respect star was Isobel! Well done Isobel! You always take such pride in your work and make sure everything is presented beautifully - even your whiteboard carpet work which is not easy! Well done to both our stars this week!

Our first week in year 1

Wow! What a first week we have had. The children have amazed us with the way they have adapted to the new routines within the classroom and around school. They have been polite, clam and extremely good at tidying away. We are so impressed already! Here is a snapshot into our first week. We have got used to being in our area and we have enjoyed being back with our friends.