Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 5 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Year 5 Class Archive 2020-2021

The Lieder Music Project

We really enjoyed creating our own song today as part of a music workshop and hearing the wonderful classical singers we had working with us sing!

Andy Warhol Style Paintings

Check out our great art skills! We sketched self portraits and then used watercolours and produced a piece in the style of Andy Warhol!

National Cricket Week

We had a blast creating our very own cricket bats and balls with the Blue Peter presenter Lindsey Russel! We also got to see Billy the trumpet and practice our cricket skills with Matthew Hoggard!

PSHE - Drug Awareness
Computing - Game Designing

We loved having the opportunity to create our very own games in computing! We even got to try them all out afterwards in the Year 5 Gaming Area!

Virtual Parliament Visit

We got to learn all about The Houses of Parliament and The House of Commons and asks some of our own questions to the men leading the session.


Here are Year 5 enjoying a fantastic sports session outside!

Chess in Year 5
William Shakespeare

We had to perform a scene from Macbeth in small groups for the rest of the class.

World Book Day

WOW! Look at these fantastic costumes for World Book Day in Y5!

The Alps

We tried camembert, bread and butter, kinder chocolate, as well as cups of hot chocolate and spent a day at the Alps!

Christmas Time in Year 5

Look at our lovely cards and calendars!

Class 5 and 6 Christmas Performance
Art - Kente Cloth Printing Session

Using the designs created last month, the children have now carved these onto polystyrene strips and spent some sessions using the paints and rollers to print these into their sketchbooks and also onto a piece of canvas. Once complete the printed canvas will become our Class 5 Kente cloth robe.

Science - Friction

The children had to use a newton meter to try and drag a trainer across a range of different surfaces to see which surface caused the most/least amount of friction. They made their predictions first before carrying out the investigation in small groups.

Science - Water Resistance

The children made three different shapes out of plasticine and had to drop them into some water to see which one travelled to the bottom to fastest. Which would face more water resistance and stop it from sinking quicker... was it the cone? Was it the sphere? Was it the square?

Science - Parachute Experiment

As part of our Class 5 unit on Forces, the children had to design three parachutes that were of the same material but varied in size. They made predictions as to which would fall the slowest and then carried out their investigation. The children found that those parachutes that were larger had more air resistance against them keeping them up in the air much longer.


The children weighed a variety of objects in class to find the force of gravity pulling them down. They then recorded the measure in both newtons and grams and found a link between the two!

School Council Elections

Here are the children casting their votes for the school council election!

Kente Cloth Design

The children designed their Kente cloth pattern in their sketchbook and here they are carving their design into the polystyrene, ready to print!

PE with Mr Anderson

Class 5 enjoying a sports session with Mr Anderson outside on the playground!

Class 5 Photo