Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 2 Class Page
We have had fun learning about 2D & 3D Shape. We worked in small groups and was only able to use 2, 3 or four fingers in our group to create our own 2D shapes using elastic bands.
The children in year 2 have worked so very hard this term. So it was lovely to have some fun and laughter. What a lovely time we had this week. We went to church to sing our special Christmas songs. Some Year 2 children had the opportunity to walk down the aisle to take characters from the Christmas story to the stable at the front of the church. We had a lovely Christmas lunch, served by Mr Farrar and and the teachers. We had a great day completing Christmas activities. Then we had a party sfternoon with food from home and party games. We even had the chance to have a little movie time.
This half term we have been learning about templates and joining techniques.rnWe used the story of the Stickman and linked to our D & T. Our challenge was to design and make an appealing product with a purpose. We thought about making a Christmas Stocking for Stickman that would hold a small chocolate bar. We talked about it and decided that a small stocking might not fit a chocolate bar, so we designed a Christmas sack.rnFirstly we looked at different ways to join fabric, tape, glue and even folding techniques. We then thought about sewing. So we practised threading and the techniques needed to sew, using hole punched shapes. Then the time came we found that a template would ensure we cut out our sack shape correctly. rnThen we threaded needles and began to sew. After our sack were complete we could decorate them. We left them out on Thursday at the end of the day and a BIG SUPRISE on Friday they were filled with little chocolate bars. oh, what fun!
We have been investigating everyday materials even further. We have now thought about questions we wanted to find the answers to. The question we all chose to investigate was, Can all material be squeezed,bent, stretched and twisted? We began to plan our investigation. Collecting all the objects we would need. We talked about fair tests and created a tick sheet grid to complete during the investigation. We ensured we worked our way through all the different materials, being very careful to complete the same movement on each material in the same way. It was fun and some materials suprised us. We did find out that not all materials can be squeezed,bent, stretched and twisted
To further our learning about Safety around the roads, we were lucky enough to have the Road Safety Team come to school to support us. They delivered a whole school assembly and then year 2 had the opportunity to go out in small groups to the road side. We observed the traffic, discussed safe places and danger around the roads. Then we had time to practise crossing the road safely.
This half term we are focusing on dance. We have enjoyed listening to the repeating patterns in the rhythm of the music. The length of the rhythm determined the length of our shapes and movement. We used all of our different moves to create a lovely sequenced dance move.
We all came to school wearing odd socks. The children had a great time sharing their odd socks. And why we chose them. We know that wearing our odd socks helped us to think about how we are all different and that it is great to be different.
Today we have been learning lots of new vocabulary such as; Transparent, Translucent and Opaque. we have grouped objects into their own properties. We a great time using the torches to investigate the material and name its properties. We were having so much fun we even had a little time to use our own bodies in the investigation. We found out that our bodies are opaque.
We had great fun completing the 7 rugby challenge in the classroom . Then Gaz set up 7 activities that we all completed 7 times during our PE session too.
In year 2 we have been investigating Everyday Materials. We have named and sorted lots of different materials. We have use a variety of vocabulary to discribe these materials. We had lots of fun going on a material hunt. We recorded our findings on a grid.
This half term class 2 are looking at paint and colour mixing. We have introduced a Canadian artist Michelle Jursa, who started painting as a child. We have investigated block paint and this week we have investigated ready mixed paint. We think ready mixed paint is much easier to use. Firstly recapped the yr 1 learning of Primary colours. We could all say, red, yellow and blue are the primary colours. We have begun to create our own colour wheel using the primary colours. We have talked about secondary and tertiary colours. We were all very focused to ensure we kept within the lines. But we did have good fun.