Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 4 Class Page
Year 4 had a fabulous day on World Book Day! We shared our favourite books and wrote about how we enjoyed reading. The costumes were amazing .
We have had a focus on multiplication and division this half term. Before learning more formal methods of divisions, we enjoyed dividing practically using objects. This helped us to visualise and understand.
Our science learning this half term has been about changes in matter. We have learnt about solids, liquids and gases and how they behave, as well as learning that some materials, such as water can exist in all three states. We had fun completing some observational investigations. We completed a chocolate button investigation where we were testing the different places and temperatures make the chocolate melt faster, learning that at room temperature chocolate is in a solid form. This was a yummy investigation as we all got to eat chocolate buttons. Science is great! As well as the chocolate investigation, we investigated water in different states. We learnt that water in a solid state needs to be heated to melt it to a liquid, and that this happens at 0 degrees Celsius. Next, we learnt that if you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it evaporates into the gas water vapour. Finally, we learnt about reversing these changes by cooling. We learnt that if water vapour is cooled in condenses and changes back into liquid water and if you continue to cool it will freeze and turn into a solid. We had a wonderful time exploring these materials and watching them change.
As part of our Geography learning about rivers, we learnt about the longest rivers in the world, as well as the tallest mountains. We found out where they were in the world and located them both using Google Maps and atlases. Once the children had located these rivers and mountains, they drew and labelled them onto their own world maps.
Geography and Science - Rivers fieldwork day at Nell Bank Centre - Spring 1 Year 4 spent a wonderful day at Nell Bank working on our River topic which covers objectives in both our Science and Geography work. First, we put our wellies on and headed off into the woods. We looked over the valley and could see the high ground of Ilkley Moor. Our guide, Trisha, showed us how the water falls there and flows down to the River Wharfe which then joins the River Ouse. Trisha explained how evaporation, condensation and precipitation work in the water cycle. She took us to see a huge tree. We looked at a 2l bottle of water and had to guess how much water the tree would draw up from the ground in hot weather - a massive 1400l. We went to look at a tiny stream, which is the source of a tributary of the River Wharfe, and we followed it down through the woods. We each chose a stick and threw it into the River Wharfe when we reached a bridge over it. By looking at the sticks, we noticed that the water flowed faster on the outside bend of the river. Trisha showed how this faster flowing water caused erosion on the bend of the outside bank of the river and deposited pebbles on the beach on the inside of the bend. She also made sure that we know how dangerous the river can be. After lunch, we learnt how to use a map and compass points to do orienteering and we worked in pairs all around the site, finding the hidden numbers which were at the letters shown on our maps. Finally, there was time to explore the fabulous adventure playground. Everyone had a fantastic day and the Nell Bank staff were full of praise for Year 4's behaviour.
In the Autumn term we worked hard to put on our amazing Christmas nativity play - Hosanna Rock! What incredible acting and singing!
We designed and made an illuminated sign to advertise our Christmas show - Hosanna Rock! We used our knowledge of how to make a bulb light up in a circuit from our Science unit on Electricity.
Music - Autumn 2
We accompanied a piece of music from The Nutcracker, reading the symbols so that we knew when to play our particular instrument.
We were visited by the Road Safety Team to help us learn how to cross the road safely. After some training in the classroom, it was time to practise our skills on some of the roads around school. Everyone crossed the road safely and impressed the Road Safety Team.
In our Electricity unit, we have been learning how to make a bulb light up in a circuit. We worked in our groups and found that if we disconnected part of the circuit, the bulb would not light up.
Lots of us came to the Halloween Disco. Everyone looked amazing and we all had a wonderful time!
In Class 4, we have weekly lessons from our visiting chess expert, Stephen. Starting with the pawns, we are learning how each piece moves on the board. Stephen is already very impressed!
This half term, we've had exciting cricket coaching from Chance to Shine. Even thought the sun didn't always shine on us, we had a wonderful time improving our skills.