Children » Whole School Gallery » Archive 2021/2022
To end the school year, today each child in the school had the opportunity to perform and show off their learning in music this year. Each class came to the front of the hall and played a few pieces of music. The children played a range of instruments including claves, chime bars, ukuleles and xylophones. It was a fabulous way to celebrate the end of the year and to celebrate all the wonderful learning that happens on a weekly basis in school. We included our favourite whole school songs and of course our wonderful school choir performed a few of their favourites.
As a special treat, the choir worked with choir leaders from a local pop choir. The leaders were so impressed by the children's talent, behaviour and attitude, that all the children were offered a free trial at their choir in Bramley. After all their hard work, we rewarded the children with an ice lolly!
We are very proud to announce we have been awarded Champion Music School Status. This is an award given by Leeds Music Services for schools who provide an outstanding music provision for their children. We were thrilled to invite Sarah Truscott and Lee Muncaster in from Artforms to present us with our lovely new banner and certificate. We celebrated the occasion with some of our favourite whole school songs and a performance from the school choir.
We had a fantastic Sports Day. All teams did amazing. The Black won over all. Well done black Team.
We had a fantastic time on Sports Day. The first one for many of our children, due to the previous Covid years. We all had a great day taking part in our team colours. We were all amazing sports peolple, cheering on our friends. We even had a FANTSTIC PARENT participation race. Wow ! They were fast! What fun we all had. A massive THANK YOU to our families for coming to support us and joining in.
We have all been looking forward to this day for a long time. We could not wait to help the Queen with her special celebration. We all came to school in special outfits. Some of us came in 1950s outfits, some of us came in red, white and blue and some of us came in our favourite party outfits. The day started with our celebration assembly. It was lovely to see everyones outfits. We had 1950s music playing in the playground and we even had a special Jubilee lunch. In the afternoon we all had fun and games.
Another fantastic morning in the playgroud. Our fabulous choir sang to the children and parents as they came to school. What a lovely way to start the day. Thank You Choir.
Friday 20th May was the annual Denim for Demetia day. We all supported the charity by paying £1 to come to school in our denim. We all looked great and learned lots and did averiety of activities around Dementia. Our current total so far is £198.00. Thank you to all those who have donated.
The S Factor Live Final was a great success with some fantastic experiments performed by some wonderful scientists. The guest judges from Leeds West Academy were very impressed with both the knowledge and the performances. Here are some videos from the final and from some of the class competitions. A huge thank you to everyone who got involved.
We had lots of children showing us their science skills over these past three weeks in a bid to gain a place in the S Factor Live Final. So many experiments have been done at home and now here in school. Well done to all of you who stepped up and took part. Seriously super scientists!
We hope you enjoy this video of the Easter Service. The children have worked so hard to learn all the words for the songs and readings. We wish you all a very happy Easter and we look forward to welcoming you back on 19th April.
Many of us had great fun decorating eggs for the Easter Egg competition. Here are the lucky winners. All the children who took part received a little chocolate egg.
We were all invited to join in the Easter egg decorating competition by the School Council. The School Council displayed all the eggs that had been decorated at home. They then took a long time to discuss and decide the winning eggs. It was great fun. Many of our grown ups at home helped out with them. Have a look they are amazing.
Today the children of years 5 & 6 joined other schools from Leeds to take part in a samba workshop. The children were amazing and the music they made was outstanding! What a fabulous afternoon to celebrate their hard work in music this half term.
This term years 5 and 6 have been learning to play Samba. We have loaned the instruments they need and they were keen to show their new skills by giving a playground performance after only 4 weeks of lessons! And they were raising money for school funds in the process! We are so proud of you years 5 and 6! Well done!
We all came to school dressed in our favourite book character. We had great fun. Do you like some of our costumes?
We have had a great week. We were all invited to create a super potato for the potato character competition to celebrate World Book Week. Many of the children joined and created fantastic characters out potatoes. The competition was carefully judged by an outside judge, who thought our potatoes were amazing. There were three winners per class and three special winners out of the whole school. Please have a look at the fantastic efforts.
The whole school went to church to read the Nativity and sing some Christmas Carols.
Today the children enjoyed the Christmas pantomime. It was lovely to see how much the children enjoyed it. Oh YES !!! they didn't
This week the choir have really enjoyed performing for the public. First they sang in the playground while adults dropped their children at school, then they walked to Marks and Spencer in Pudsey, to sing to the public while they did their Christmas shopping. The choir not only sounded amazing, but they managed to raise more than £200 for school funds!! M&S rewarded the children with a drink and biscuits after they had sung.
Today the choir performed in front of a real audience for the first time in a LONG time! We had a record breaking 44 members of choir who sounded wonderful as they provided the after lunch entertainment following the annual Christmas dinner at Stanningley Live At Home. The audience loved it almost as much as we did! Afterwards, each child was lucky enough to receive a goody bag of treats, a Christmas card and a carton of juice!
Today the whole school had the opportunity to take part in an interactive concert held by the folk band Maia. The musicians bought in many instruments including a full drum kit, banjo, guitar and double bass!! The children learn about the instruments and had the opportunity to take part in their performances with singing, dancing and rhythms. The musicians worked with all the children from nursery to year 6! The feedback from the group was amazing... "I just wanted to get in touch to say how much we all enjoyed working with your students yesterday. The band and I were blown away by how engaged the students were and full of great questions, there were some genuinely beautiful moments yesterday like the Y4 rendition of This Old Hammer, You can tell Claire Rivers is obviously doing some fantastic work with the pupils at the moment. There was a lovely comment by one student ‘I’m going to go and get my guitar from the loft’ which was really nice to hear. If you have any other comments or pictures from the students it would be really nice to have a few for us to share. I hope we can come back to your school soon. "
Today the children in class 3 & 4 had the opportunity to take part in a musical workshop run by our friends from Artforms. The workshop focused on well being and positive mental health, while exploring the children's excellent music skills.
On the week commencing 15th November, SPS celebrated PEACE WEEK. This supported the national antibullying week and we kicked off the week by all wearing our odd socks. This reminded everyone that is it good to be different and unique. During the week we also had an antibullying assembly hosted by our key stage 2 antibullying ambassadors, we created a graffiti wall in the hall where we added our own messaged of peace and we created a whole school piece of art using every hand of the children in the school. The children focused on saying just one kind word and leant the importance our own words can actions can have. Year 5 made post cards of kindness and took them to our friends at Stanningley Live At Home to spread the kindness within our community. Here are a collection of photos from the week.
Today, we were very excited to welcome Clio McMullen to Stanningley Primary School. Clio, worked alongside, Mrs StottMoore and Miss Di to deliver the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training with The Diana Award to 16 pupils in school. The Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training Programme empowers pupils and staff to change the attitudes, behaviours, and cultures of bullying behaviour by building skills and confidence to address different situations both on and offline. The training day equips young people with knowledge of what bullying is and how to tackle it through engaging activities, at the end of which pupils will make an action plan of how to approach reducing bullying in their schools and will become Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. This is all delivered through The Diana Awards renowned peer led approach.
It was a sad day as we said goodbye to our friends Colin and Julie. They have been coming to Stanningley Primary School for many years to support us with Poetry. Each year they helped us to create poems that we danced or acted out to our family and friends.
Today it was our turn to create a poem or two for them and present them with a few gifts to remember us by.
We all wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to you both.
It has been amazing. We hope you come to visit us soon.