Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information.

Children  »  Whole School Gallery  »  Archive 2022/2023

Year 2 Rainbow Event

Some of the Year 2 children have been choosen to take part in the Rainbow Sports Event which is a practise event to prepare the children for The Bramley Olympics. It was a very hot evening but the 10 children who took part still gave 100% to all the activities. It was great fun and we would like to thank all the adults and children from Leeds West Acadamy for putting on this great event. We had so much fun.

Easter Service

We all had a lovely time at our annual visit to church for our Easter service. We all sang beautifully. Thank You to all our families that attended.

S Factor Science Competition Final

Yesterday, we held the final for the S Factor Science Competition. The standard was extremely high and the judges, from Leeds West Academy's Science team and Mrs Brewer, were very impressed! A huge well done to all the finalists but especially to Toby, the winner, Eleanor and Grace in 2nd place and Georgia and Rihannon in 3rd.

More S Factor photos
Stanningley's Got Talent
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Stanningley's Got Talent Winners
Stanningley's Got Talent

We all had a fabulous time on our last day of term. The children showed their amazing talents, in singing , dancing, football skill joke telling and even playing instruments.

African Drumming

Tim, from Rhythmicity, delivered 2 days of workshops for the children to experience playing percussion instruments and playing as a group. We began with a whole school assembly, then Tim worked with each class individually. The children came together at the end of the second day to share what they had learned and to perform as a whole school one last time. It was a great experience for all.

Choir Carols

For the last few years, the school choir have enjoyed singing in the local community at Christmas time. This year was no different. The children sang carols at Marks and Spencer and at Asda, raising a massive £180 for school funds in a matter of hours. The also sung for the local community at St John's annual Christmas lunch. The children were welcomed by the members who sang and clapped along with us.

Stanningley Primary School Christmas Service
The Christmas Service at St Thomas Church

We performed a collection of beautiful Christmas songs and carols at the church this year as part of our Christmas Service. They sounded beautiful and some of the parents were lucky enough to join us there too.

What a Great End to Peace Week

On Friday 18th November the last day of Peace Week at SPS. We all joined together with the local community to support our local hero, Sir Kevin Sinfield, Who was on day 6 of The 7 marathons in 7 days Challenge to support his best friend Rob Burrow, to raise money for research into MND. We were all lucky enough to stand at the school fence or on the road side to see Sir Kevin coming over the hill from Bramley. We all cheered and encouraged the runners. Sir Kevin Sinfield along with his running team all had a smile and a wave for the children and adults who were there to support the whole event. What an amazing set of people. Thank You and Well done!

GOOD BYE Mrs Smithers

GOODBYE TO SOMEONE VERY SPECIAL After 42 years of dedicated service at Stanningley Primary School, Mrs Smithers retired on Friday 7th October. Mrs Smithers started working as a Nursery Nurse at Stanningley Primary School in 1980 when she was just 18. She has seen many, many generations of children pass through the school and has also been involved in the education of many of our parents and even some grandparents! Mrs Smithers is a very skilled Teaching Assistant and has loved working with the children; she really understands how they learn and what they need in order to succeed. She has been a much-loved member of the staff team at Stanningley and will be sorely missed by everyone who has known her and worked with her. Mrs Smithers will now spend some much-deserved quality time with her husband, as they set off on many new adventures in their new motor home. The staff and children at Stanningley Primary School wish you, Mrs Smithers, all the very best for the future.

Halloween Disco KS 1
Halloween Disco KS 2
Halloween Disco

The children all looked amazing in their costumes and they had a wonderful time dancing and playing with their friends. Thank you to all the adults for your support raising money for the school.

Harvest Festival

Each class performed a poem, a song or a rap to celebrate Harvest. The whole school performed some songs together and Mrs Brewer lead us all in prayer. It was a special time where we were all together with some of our adults from home. It was wonderful to celebrate with a hall full of people, especially after the last few years.

Harvest Festaval

A massive thank you to all our families for your kind donations of food for our Harvest collection. Two of our children along with Mrs Daniel and Mr Watling delivered all the food to help Stanningley Live at Home.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all our parents and staff for donating so many lovely buns, cakes and biscuits to our very sucessful coffee morning. The School Council worked hard to ensure the tables and refreshments were all set up. They then continued to ensure the morning all ran smoothly. They collected children from their classrroms and ensured they were served and seated to eat their delicious buns or cakes. Also thank you to all the adult who came to helped to serve and who came along to enjoy a cuppa and slice of cake.