Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 3 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Year 3 Class Archive 2022-2023

Summer Performance

We had a wonderful time showing off all that we have been working on in our music lessons with Mrs Rivers this term

Y3 Bridlington Trip

What a wonderful time we had in Bridlington today! We got to play in the sand, have a splash around in the sea, had a picnic on the beach and even an ice lolly! We didn't want to leave!

Sports Day

What a great day! The children did so well competing in this years event!

Rodley Nature Reserve - Y3 Trip

The sun was shining for our trip to Rodley Nature Reserve on Tuesday 23rd May 2023. We had such a great time learning all about bees, using the binoculars to do some bird watching and even got the chance to do some pond dipping!

Experimenting with water colours in Art

Class 3 have been studying the artist William Turner in their Art lessons this half term and have now begun to experiment with watercolours to try and recreate one of his most famous paintings - The Great Fire of London.

Scooter Training Session

We really enjoyed our scooter training today! We learnt lots of useful tips of how we can keep ourselves safe when out and about on our scooters. The trainers made the session really fun too and we just wished it lasted longer!

Easter Cards in DT

"We all designed, made and evaluated a moving Easter card. It got a little tricky at times but I think we all did an amazing job" Class 3

DSide Drug Awareness

Dave visited Class 3 once again to discuss the dangers of smoking and the impact on our health as part of Healthy Week. The children remained engaged throughout and even took part in some role play!

Chance to Shine Cricket with Jamie Sykes

Here are Year 3 enjoying their weekly cricket session. They have all improved so much since they started this and are now taking part in full games!

S Factor Heats

Here are some of the hopefuls hoping to make it through to the live S Factor final!

Comic Relief & Saint Patricks Day Celebrations

As well as many of us being dressed in red to celebrate Red Nose Day we also took part in some Irish dancing to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day and got dressed up too! It was great fun!

MC Escher Artwork

We have learnt all about MC Escher in Class 3 and even had a go at creating a piece of art in his style using the idea of tessellations. This was really tricky but we gave it a good go!

Internet Safety Session

DSIDE came in once again to help teach the children in class 3 all about internet safety. We looked at what makes a good password and how trusting we can be when receiving friend requests,

Leeds 2023 - Year of Culture

We got to design our very own headpieces that could be worn to attend a carnival in a little art workshop. We looked at some video clips showing carnivals and festivals too! We made some really impressive designs!

World Book Day 2023

We had some amazing outfits on World Book Day and continued to learn all about our class author Tom Fletcher! Some of us even attended the disco in our costumes!

DT Project

Here are our Christmas tree chocolate coin decorations that we have been working hard on. We loved making these!

Christmas Cards

Here we are getting creative and messy making our Christmas cards this year in Class 3.

Christmas Dinner Day

What a tasty Christmas Lunch we had in the hall. Even the teachers joined us for our festive dinner!

Christmas Party Day

What a fantastic time we all had at our Christmas party afternoon. There was lots of food, good music and plenty of dancing! We all can't wait to celebrate Christmas this year!


Class 3 and 4 worked hard practising for their Christmas performance of 'Superstar' and put on an amazing show for everyone!

Science - Making Shadows

Y3 had to create various shadows and say how they had made them. They then had to draw out their investigation and explain how the shadows were created.

Stone Age Day

Y3 were transported back to the Stone Age.....let`s see how they got on!

PE - Jumping and Balance

We have been looking at balance over the last few weeks in PE and here is a collection of images showing the children trying their hardest to perform and land various jumps whilst trying to keep their balance!

DT in Year 3

We began to plan our Christmas tree decoration today so we looked at what was already out there for some inspiration!

Remembrance Day

We took 2 minutes silence on 11/11/22 to remember those fallen heroes.

PE - Balancing on one leg

Our challenge in PE this week was balancing on one leg. We had to complete little challenges which enjoyed collecting cones whilst standing on one leg and some of us even got to do this balancing a ball at the same time and even with our eyes closed!

Y2 and Y3 Dancing with Darcey Bussell

We enjoyed a live dance lesson with Darcey Bussell to celebrate National Fitness Day!

Science - Finding out all about rocks

We explored and examined lots of different rocks to see if we could group and compare them. There were lots of interesting and strange looking rocks in the collection that we enjoyed looking at!

Voting Day!

We finally got to take part in our secret vote to choose who we wanted to have as our school councilors! We were all very excited to find out who would be chosen to represent our class!

School Council Speeches

Year 3 all had the chance to put themselves forward to be the school councilors and read their speeches out to the rest of the class.