Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 3 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Year 3 Class Archive 2023-2024

RSPCA visitor

We had a visit from the RSPCA- 2 people and a spaniel, Juno. We learned about the work of the RSPCA, what animals need and how to take care of a dog. Juno was a lovely polite and calm visitor to our classroom and we loved meeting her!

Pugs of the Frozen North

On our first day back after the Christmas holidays, we did lots of activities to introduce us to our new book.

PHSE Challenge

Year 3 were set a challenge of working together to make a shelter for a dog in the frozen north. They needed to work together to work out how they were going to use their materials in order to make their shelter. They had felt, lolly sticks, wooden pegs and art straws to use to make the shelter. In addition to this, they only had 10 minutes. After the challenge, we spoke about the challenges they faced, how they felt and what they would do differently next time.

Our balloon globes

In Geography, we've been learning about lines of latitude and longitude. We need to be able to identify some important lines like the Equator, the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn and the Prime Meridian, Here we are drawing them onto balloons to make our own globes. Hopefully that will help us to remember where they are!

Escher jigsaw

In art this half term, we're learning about the Dutch artist and printmaker, M.C. Escher. We began by putting together this Lizards puzzle and looked at how the pieces TESSELLATE.

Spanish Games

We spent a session this morning learning some Spanish games that children play and practised our language skills whilst doing so. It was so much fun!

Pyjama Party!

We enjoyed a class treat today of a pyjama morning where we got to watch a spooky Halloween film and get cosy in our pjs! We absolutely loved it!

Cave Art

Check out our amazing cave art! We used powder paint, sticks, feathers and leaves to create a piece of art just as the Stone Age people would have done many many years ago. We really enjoyed our afternoon doing this!

Science - Finding out all about rocks

Class 3 have been learning all about rocks this half term. They have learnt the three main types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. The children have spent their lessons comparing various types and classifying them into groups. They have completed observations and used the magnifying glasses to get an even closer look. They can`t wait to learn even more!

School Council Elections

All of Class 3 had a go at writing a school council speech and many even read it out to the class. Those who wanted to nominate themselves did and we all went in to cast a secret vote for one boy and one girl who we felt delivered the best speech. Well done to our two winning members of Class 3 - our new school councilors Rhiannon and Mickey!

Scooter Training

Year 3 enjoyed a morning out of class in the playground with the road safety team. They delivered some scooter training safety to the boys and girls and they absolutely loved it! They had so much fun and learnt all about the ways to keep themselves safe when out and about!