Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Cinderella Rockerfella

Summer 1, Week 7 - Cinderella Rockerfella!

Wow! What a performance the children from Year 5 and Year 6 gave during their end of year performance. The children showed how exceptionally talented (and funny!) they are and made us all so proud! Well done to every sing child involved, no matter what part they played in the production.

Summer 2, Week 4 - Music

This term, the children are focussing on Samba music within lessons. This week, the children were busy preparing for the Big Samba event at Pudsey Civic Hall! The sound is AMAZING!

Summer 2, Week 3 - Sports Day

The sun (finally) shone for the children's final Sports Day! A huge well done to every child for taking part! It was such a lovely afternoon and one that all the children will hopefully remember.

Summer 2, Week 2 - Urban Planning Workshop

Leeds City Council are currently in the process of updating their Local Plan – the main document they use to assess whether new development is allowed to happen. In this local plan update, the council are looking to introduce new policies which seek to ensure that all new development are considerate of the needs and desires of children and young people across the district and to secure new opportunities for play across Leeds. The council are passionate that these plans are written with the needs of children in mind, and so the children took part in an interactive workshop to demonstrate what they feel they need in the local community and Leeds as a whole. “Urban planning involves the design and organization of cities, towns, and communities to optimize their functionality, sustainability, and liveability. It integrates various aspects such as land use, transportation, infrastructure, housing, and environmental considerations to create spaces that cater to the needs of residents while promoting economic development and preserving natural resources."

Summer 1, Week 6 - Art Week

The children enjoyed creating some fantastic pieces of art during out Art Week! They learnt all about Ancient Greek mosaic (linking to our history topic) and then experimented creating their own mosaic patterns, from existing ancient mosaics. They had to focus on a SMALL section of the entire mosaic, and recreate only that! The final results were superb! After that, we explored different ways of rearranging sections of existing images to create a piece of mosaic art. Finally, we looked at ancient and modern Greek landscapes. I tasked the children with creating their own landscape using the mosaic process! We certainly have some budding artists in Class Six!

Summer 1, Week 5 - Music

This term, the children are refreshing their knowledge of playing the ukulele. They first learnt to play the instrument during Year Five, so they all had a basic understanding of how to play some chords. This week, we learn a new chord, and played along to some very well-known songs!

Summer 1, Week 5 - SATs Week Breakfast!

The children enjoyed attending our special SATs Week breakfast during our SATs week! They were treated to crumpets, brioche, cereal, toast, pancakes and even bacon sandwiches! It was lovely to see all of the children so relaxed and enjoying their time with each other!

Spring 2, Week 6 - Music - Composition

To end our unit of work exploring the orchestra and composition, the children created their own compositions as a group. One child led each group (the conductor) and then each group took it in turns to perform their compositions. They thoroughly enjoyed this task and have asked to spend more time creating some more music, next term!

Spring 2, Week 5 - Healthy Living Week - MindMate Support Team Workshop

This week, we welcomed the MindMate Support Team into our classroom. They delivered a workshop all about anxiety - what is is, why it happens, how some level of anxiety is needed and, most importantly, how to manage it. We explored possible anxiety that could be lined to different scenarios (and the feelings this could cause). The children also completed some practical activities/exercises to support them to manage anxiety now and in the future. It really was a fantastic, worthwhile session!

Spring 2, Week 5 - Healthy Living Week - D-SIDE Workshop

To begin Healthy Living Week, we welcomed back Dave from D-SIDE, who delivered a drugs awareness session to the children. This session revised some of the key learning that the children have learnt about this term within PSHE, but also introduced new learning about drugs and their effects. The session was incredibly engaging and the children learnt so much!

Spring 2, Week 3 - World Book Day

The children enjoyed their final World Book Day at SPS this week. We are always amazed by the effort children (and their families!) make on this special day. Some of the ideas children had this year, have never been seen before! Well done!

Spring 2, Week 3 - World Book Day Potato Challenge!

Well done to all the children who entered their World Book Day potato character/book theme! They were all absolutely SUPERB and showed such creativity.

Spring 2, Week 2 - Music

This term, the children are exploring the different parts of the orchestra during lessons. In our lesson this week, we explored rhythm. The class are extremely talented when it comes to rhythm, and it was lovely to see them be able to tap out a given rhythm, whilst understanding the beat of certain notes!

Spring 2, Week 1 - S-Factor Class Heat

This week, the children had the opportunity to take part in the S-Factor Class Heat stage of the competition. This involved them having to present a science experiment to the class, whilst explaining their scientific reasoning. They were all absolutely superb! The finalist will be announced next week - it really will be a touch decision!

Spring 1, Week 5 - The Talent Show

Well done to all children who represented Year 6 in Stanningley's Got Talent! You were all AMAZING!

Spring 1, Week 5 - The Talent Show

Well done to all children who represented Year 6 in Stanningley's Got Talent! You were all AMAZING!

Spring 1 - Computing - Microbits (Week 1-5)

In year 6, we are delighted with the new microbits the school applied for through the BBC microbit project. In our computing lessons, we're taking our first steps to code them and we think they are great. So far we have coded them to show simple animations and this week, we're getting them to respond to different 'inputs'. Next week, we're programming them as step counters and putting them in our socks to test them out!

Autumn 2, Week 7 - Christmas Party Day

The children enjoyed their final Christmas Party Day at SPS this week! Every child contributed to he party food and they all shared the food between themselves - thank you to all at home for providing this! They enjoyed a karaoke competition in class and followed this with games in the school hall and a special video message from Santa...he even sent a gift for all children too! Merry Christmas to everyone!

Autumn 2, Week 7 - Christmas Lunch and Church Service

The children enjoyed their final Christmas lunch and Christmas Church Service at SPS this week! A number of children gave readings at the the service and the Year 6 choir members were absolutely fantastic! Well done to all!

Autumn 2, Week 5 - Premier League/Stonewall Rainbow Laces Workshop

This week, the children enjoyed a session led by educators from the Premier League. The session, which focused on learning more about stereotyping and allyship, encouraged the young people to work through different scenarios and discuss what they can do to be supportive and an ally. During the session, we spoke about the importance of 'Rainbow Laces' and what this represented. The children each took home a pair of rainbow laces too!

Autumn 2, Week 4 - Road Safety Workshop

This week, the children enjoyed a Road Safety session, led by Leeds City Council. They were given the task of locating their homes on a local area map and, in small teams, they were given a budget £200,000) to spend on measures to make the roads near their homes safer.; for instance, zebra crossings, traffic lights, pelican crossings etc. The children were amazed by how expensive such measures are!

Autumn 2, Week 4 - Road Safety Workshop

This week, the children enjoyed a Road Safety session, led by Leeds City Council. They were given the task of locating their homes on a local area map and, in small teams, they were given a budget £200,000) to spend on measures to make the roads near their homes safer.; for instance, zebra crossings, traffic lights, pelican crossings etc. The children were amazed by how expensive such measures are!

Autumn 2, Week 4 - The National Holocaust Museum Workshop

Class Six welcome Jan, an Outreach Educator from the National Holocaust Museum, to Stanningley Primary School this week. Through a series pf activities, Jan told the story of Leo. Leo was a young, Jewish boy who lived in Berlin in 1938. Jan introduced the children to some of the ways that Jewish people in Germany were discriminated against leading up to World War Two. This was done in a very senstive, age appropriate way; the children did not learn about anything that happened to Jewish people during the war. This will prepare them for when they are in secondary school and learn about World War Two content that is not covered fully in KS2. Jan was absolutely fantastic and the children were fully engaged. They asked amazing questions and made all the staff at SPS INCREDIBLY proud.

Autumn 2, Week 3 - Science - Electricity

This term, our science topic is 'Electricity'. In today's lesson, the children were tasked with creating a circuit, without any instructions how do so! This was to see how much they remembered from Year 4 (the last time they did science learning linked to this topic). ALL children remembered how to create a simple circuit! After this, the children learnt new learning: scientific circuit symbols. They had to label and draw their own circuits using the scientific symbols. Well done to all!

Autumn 2, Week 2 - PE

This term, the children are focussing on balance and jumping/landing in their Real PE lesson. They worked together to complete some incredibly tricky challenges! One of these involved working as a team, to get from one end of the hall to the other, not stepping a single foot off/ out of the equipment they were given! Well done Class Six!

Autumn 2, Week 2 - Peace Week - Odd Socks Day

To start Peace Week, the children took part in National Odd Socks Day. This day is aimed at children showing an understanding of all people being unique and such uniqueness, is to be celebrated! The children completed tasks linked to this theme within their PSHE lesson.

Autumn 2 Week 1 - Spanish

This week, to mark Languages Week in Leeds, the children enjoyed a Spanish Story workshop. This involved learning the Spanish names for animal to play games and understand the story in Spanish (using the animal characters).

Autumn 1, Week 8 - Halloween Disco

The children all looked AMAZING at their final Halloween Disco! The effort made was phenomenal and they all had a super time!

Robinwood Residential - Rapids

The children in Rapid's Group had an AMAZING time! They showed fantastic resilience and teamwork and we are proud of every single child!

Robinwood Residential - Lake Group

Lake Group had a FANTASTIC time during the residential! The all conquered every single challenge put in front of them and showed so much resilience. They really have made memories that will last a lifetime!

Robinwood Residential - River Group

The children had an AMAZING time at Robinwood! They completed so many activities and any fears that they had, were well and truly faced and conquered! We are so proud of ALL of the children. Here are Mr Harington's River Group photos!

Autumn 1, Week 6 - Science

During this lesson, the children explored some of the ways in which animals can adapt in order to survive and then continue to breed and pass on characteristics to their offspring. By placing white and newspaper print squares on both a white and a newspaper background, the children were tasked with being a ‘predator’ one at a time (within groups). They then had a pair of tweezers which they had to use to pick up as many pieces of paper as they could in thirty seconds from each background! We found that more children picked up newspaper print squares from the white background and on the newspaper background, more children collected white squares. Having discussed results and discrepancies (difficult to pick up the white paper!), we then linked this to camouflage and how animals do this in order to survive! Our eyes were drawn to the colour that we could see the most!

Autumn 1, Week 4 - Leeds United Primary Choices Workshop

The children in Year 6 were invited to take part in a Leeds United workshop linked to all the potential risks/dangers when out and about in the local area. This workshop links fantastically to our current PSHE unit (Managing Risk and Keeping Safe) and so for this reason, the children's knowledge was incredible! They discussed/explored what anti-social behaviour is, potential risks of posting images to social media, risks/repercussions of carrying a knife and many more important topics! We were so impressed with the engagement level of all children (especially when answering questions and during role play activities). Well done Class Six!

Autumn 1, Week 4 - Macmillan Coffee Morning

The children enjoyed our annual coffee morning once again! Our Student Council members completed their first task in their new roles organising and selling the sweet treats and they did a brilliant job!

Autumn 1, Week 3 - School Council Speeches

A huge well done to all of the children who read out their persuasive speeches this week! The children were asked to write a School Council speech to persuade other children in class to elect them to be a Class 6 representative! Well done to ALL children who read out their speech, regardless of being elected!

Autumn 1, Week 3 - Bikeability - Group 3

The final group of children to complete their Bikeability levels had the weather on their side (finally!). The children were amazing (again) and the instructors gave excellent feedback to the adults in class. Feedback from all of the groups was super and we are all incredibly proud! Level 1 photographs can be seen here!

Autumn 1, Week 3 - Bikeability - Group 2

Another very wet two days for the children completing their Bikeability Level 1 and Level 2! Group Two really did have to show so much resilience when faced with the wind and the rain and they were all amazing! Here are photographs of Level 1 before the children completed Level 2 on the local roads. Well done to all!

Autumn 1 Week 3 - Bikeability - Group 1

Despite the downpours today, the children showed fantastic determination and resilience and completed their Level 1 Bikeability on the playground! The next stage for the children is Level 2 (on the road). Well done to ALL children in Group 1!

Autumn 1 - Cooking in the Curriculum

This term, each child in Class 6 will take part in Cooking in the Curriculum. Each child will spend one afternoon of the half term, learning how to cook a stir fry. Miss Hudson and Miss Di said the children were AMAZING!