Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Class 1 Promise

In class 1 we promise to bring our book bag every day.
We promise to show five and follow instructions.
We promise to take care of all our things around school.  
We Promise to be kind and share our things. 
We promise to do our best writing all the time.  
We promise to do our homework every week.
year 1 visit Esholt Farm

We had a fantastic time at Esholt Farm on Thursday 14 th July. When we arrived Farmer James was waiting for us. We all sat in a circle and he brought out lot of different animals for us to look at and stoke. Then we went into the Play Barn where we could go on different slides and ball pools. We could crawl , climb and even squeeze though the small corridors, tunnels and bridges. Then we washed our hands carefully in preparation for lunch. We sat outside to eat in the lovely sun shine. After dinner we went into the Hay Den. We could crawl , climb and even swing like monkeys in the hay. If you were really brave you could crawl through the dark tunnels. It was a fantastic day !

Class 1 made sunglasses

Following on from our experiment of the effects of the sun. Class 1had lots of discussions about protecting our bodies from the rays of the sun. We know we should never look at the sun and always wear real sun glasses with special protective lenses. We should also wear sun cream and a sun hat to protect us. Class 1 thought it would be a good idea if we made some special sun glasses ourselves. We talked about different materials and even used some of the materials to make our glasses. Do you like them?


Year have been looking at the effects the sun has on us. Year 1 have experimenting using a variety of objects sellotaped onto coloured paper . We placed these objects around the playground, some of them in the full sun and some of them in the shade. We left them for 4 days to see what would happen. When we examined them we found that there was no change to the ones that had been placed in the shade. When we took the objects off the ones that had been placed in the sun. We found that the paper had not changed where the objects were, but the surrounding paper had faded in colour. This proved to us that the sun does damage and can burn our skin.

Class 1 Spirit Alive Winners

Well done to all the children who took part in our Annual Spirit Alive event. These children who were wearing black t shirts and representing Trinidad and Tabago were the over all winners. Well Done to class 1 winners.

100% Attendance

We came to school everyday and received the 100% attendance reward. We were all invited to a special circus treat. Have a look and see how much fun it was.

Spirit Alive

Year 1 had a great morning at Spirit Alive. We all changed into our colour t shirt that represented countries from all over the world. We opened our ceremony with a year 2 Wake and Shake , it was great fun. Then we all went onto the field to start our races. When the races had finished we were given a lovely ice pop to cool down with. Yum yum!

Woven Dream Catchers

Year one have been busy looking at different types of art. We have used wool and a circle of card to create these lovely dream catchers. First we measured where we needed to make little cuts in the card. Then we used scissors to cut around the circle. We started at the top then turned our card 180 degrees a half turn and cut at the bottom. Then we turned our card 1/4 way and made more little snips. We worked our way around the card turn it a 1/4 each time. Then we used wool to weave around the circle to make a lovely pattern. Finally we threaded beads and shape on wool and added them to the bottom of our dream catchers. Do you like them?

Race 4 Life Event

The afternoon started with a brilliant warm up with our P.E coach Gaz. The whole school came to the playground together and performed a great warm up for all the adults that came along. Each class then came to complete their Race 4 Life. We were exhausted but it was great fun.

Class 1 Assembly

Class 1 performed their first Year 1 Class Assembly this week. We all practiced our words to share all the brilliant things we do in Class 1. We talked about how we humans are all super heroes and do wonderful things. We retold the story of Super Daisy and her fight against Planet Pea. We told our families how we have set our own targets to help us learn and even sang our times table song. We showed our brilliant picture of Elmer and spoke about difference and how difference is a good thing. It was great fun watching our adult smiles as we performed.

Year 1 Art Session 2 & 3

Print making During these two afternoon sessions. The children first produced string printing plates and next familiarized themselves with the printing process to transfer their string designs into abstract images. The children had plenty of opportunity to experiment with different colours, papers, and the effects of printing multiple images.

Class 1 growing their own Beanstalks.

In year 1 we have linked our Science topic planting with our literacy story Jack and the Beanstalk. First we drew the giants castle on to small pieces of card. Then we used our cutting skills to cut out the detailed shapes. After that we used glue to stick small pieces of cotton wool to the bottom of the castle. This made it look like it was sat on the clouds. We then attached a straw using a paper clip. This was really tricky. Finally we then gave instruction how to plant our magic beans. Now we have put them on the window sill to catch the sunlight. We have to remember to water the seeds to help them grow.

The Giant's Visit

On Tuesday in class 1 we found a pair of big black boots hanging from our classroom ceiling. We thought they might belong to a giant. So we had a discussion about all the giant stories we know. We remembered that Jack cut down a beanstalk and the giant fell to the ground never to be seen again. What a surprise we had when the giant turned up in our class on Thursday Morning looking for his boots. We showed the giant the pictures we had made of him, he said he looked like a very handsome man.

Art with Mrs Pritchatt

We are learning about animals that have a backbone and animals that don't have a backbone. These are called vertebrates and invertebrates. We have sorted and drawn different animals. We have also looked at x-rays of animal and human skeletons. We could see the backbone, ribs, head and all the tiny bones in our fingers. We used this as a starting point for our art project with Mrs Pritchatt. We all used a pencil to fill a page with as many animals as we could think of. We filled our whole page with our sketches. Then we used scissors to cut small pieces of different coloured and textured paper to build a collage of our favorite animal that we had drawn. We carefully glued the pieces on to our paper. We had to keep looking at out sketches to ensure we added texture,shape and colour to the correct places. Do you like our collages?

The Queens Birthday

In Class 1 we celebrated the Queens special Birthday by reading the story of The Queens Knicker's. We enjoyed the story so much we decided to make the Queens some special knickers for the special day.

Maths In Year 1

We have begun to understand and use the Mathematical vocabulary related to value and amounts. We all showed off our number skills to the year 2 and year 4 teachers even Mrs Reid. We used little bags of beans,pasta and pulses to help us sort value order. We were so clever we moved on to placing number words into value order too. We can even explain the facts why these numbers sit in that particular order. And we even had great fun doing it!

Healthy Week

During Healthy Week we have been very busy. We have been writing instructions for our little friend Nothing to make a healthy fruit salad. We have had our P.E teachers Gaz and Stave in the classroom teaching us about why we need to stay fit and healthy. We had our local PCSOs Luke and Amy visit us. They talked about staying safe at home and how we should not talk to strangers. We have had a great day with Nicky who came to help us with our skipping skills. We even had a day on the Balance Bike. Alex showed us some new skills to use when we ride our bikes.


In Design Technology we have been learning about structures and mechanisms. We linked this topic to our literacy. We designed and made our own movable little Nothings. First we drew a face and designed a body with legs and arms. Then we used our cutting skills to carefully cut out our template. After we used a pencils to push holes into its body. We used blu tac to ensure we didn't hurt our selves. Finally we attached all the body part together using little split pins. Do you like our special little Nothings.

Spanish Day

The whole school have taken part in a Spanish Day. We were lucky enough for our Spanish tutor Senorita Woodward to teach us about Easter in Spain. We learnt some new Spanish words, played games, listened to music,watch Flamenco dancing and we also decorated and made special fans for gifts to take home. We had a great afternoon making Spanish bread (Pan Catalan). We sliced our bread ,rubbed it with garlic and topped it with tomato. We also made fruit sangria, Yummy ! Here are some of the words we needed to learn to make our bread. Garlic - ajo Bread - pan Tomato - tomate


We have been learning the story of Rapunzel. We made little colourful Rapunzel discs to make lovely mobiles for our classroom door. We used our thinking paper to brainstorm everything we already knew about Rapunzel. We worked together to make little books and plan our own story of Rapunzel. We have even pretended we were the characters from the story.

2d Shape

We have had a great time using these special little threading boards to make 2d shapes. We had to be very careful to count all the little spaces to ensure we made perfect squares. We all made a variety of squares, rectangles and some of us made pentagons. We liked them boards so much, we asked if we could have them in Friday Fun time.

Poetry Day

We had a lovely time this week when our friends Colin, Julie and Adam came to help us with our poetry. We have been looking at the story Rapunzel. Colin, Julie and Adam wrote a different version of Rapunzel for us to act out and perform infront of other year groups. We always have a great fun with Colin and Julie. We enjoyed it so much that we drew pictures and wrote about our favorite parts of the day. Then we made it into a lovely book for them to take home and read.

Toys from the past

We had a good time investigating toys. We looked at modern toys today and compared them to toys of the past. We sorted them into modern toys and toys from the past. We even made our very own toy spinning wheels.

Year one Visit Antarctica

Year one have been looking at Polar adventures for science this half term. We received a letter to invite class one to be explorers. We planned our trip carefully. First we made our own passports, packed our suitcases with all the warm clothes that we would need in such a cold place. We made luggage tags for our cases. Then we were ready for our journey. We all met in the airport at our ICT suite. We showed our passports at passport control. Then boarded the plane. We watched the take off and landing through a window on our whiteboard. We could see the penguins when we got near. We had snacks and drinks with our inflight information and safety talks. When we got off the plane we explored Antarctica and filled our special information sheets in as we found the information. We even pretended to be penguins and all gathered in for a big penguin hug. Finally we gat back to school and brainstormed our journey so we could remember it to write all about it the next day.

Year 1 at the disco

Year 1 had a great time at the Spring Disco. We danced, played games and even had our super.

E Safety

During E Safety week Class 1 discuss the danger of the internet and how we should never give personal information. We talked about things that pop on to our screens and how we should deal with them. We know we must always ask an adult at home and school if we can go onto the internet. We know how to close unwanted pages and to tell a grown up. We made our little internet safety hero's to remind us at home.

Investigating the Globe

We had a visit from Mrs Smithers daughter and her friend who live in Korea. It was great to talk to them as we have been learning about different places all over the world. We found Korea on the map. Then we showed them the Antarctica. We are investigating the Antarctica and may even go on a trip their one day. Did you know it is colder than your freezers at home. We looked on Google and found out that , the average winter temperature at the South Pole is about -49°C.

The United Kingdom

In Year 1 we have been looking at The United Kingdom. We have looked at maps and labelled our own maps. We have had long discussions about the places we have visited in in England , Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Some of us have brought memorabilia to put on our class display.

The Good Smaritan

We have learnt the parable The Good Samaritan and how it is really important for us to help all our neighbors not just the ones we call our friends. Giving a smile really can make a difference to some ones day.


In music we are now learning about voice and rhythm. We have tapped out a rhythms on our knees and are beginning to use our voice to reach different sounds high and low. We have also investigated rhythm using Boom Whackers.

Special Visitor

In Class 1 we had a very special visitor on party day that brought everyone gift. He was delighted that we all used our lovely manners and smiled for the camera.

Christmas party

Year 1 and year 2 have enjoyed their Christmas Party Day. We have played games and danced to music we even had a pass the parcel after we ate our party food.

Nativity Story

In Year 1 we have been learning the story of Mary and Joseph and how they traveled the long dusty road to Bethlehem to be counted. All the inns were full so Mary gave birth to Baby Jesus in a stable. We drew story maps to help us remember the story.

Leeds Art Gallery

Class 1 have been on their first trip of the year. We all went to Leeds Art Gallery for the morning. We traveled on public transport, to our venue.It was a big bendy bus. When we arrived we became Art Detectives and walked around the Gallery. We made notes about all the different types of sculptures. Then we all joined back together to further discuss and build sculptures of our own. Do you like our special sculptures.

Children In Need

We all paid £1 and came to school in our super hero outfits for Children In Need. We all looked great dressed up as our favourite characters.

Pudsey Bear

We were very lucky to have a special visitor to help us raise money for Children in Need.

Science in Class 1

We thought about how we could make extra money for Children In Need. We experimented with chocolate and found that it melts when it gets warm. We add some cereal and made crispy buns. We sold the buns at playtime and earned a whopping £55.50p for Children In Need.

Armistice day

In Class 1 we remembered All Our Heroes. We all wore our poppies with pride and stood for a minutes silence at 11.00 o'clock on the 11th November.

Class 1 P.E

In P.E we have been learning how to send and receive. We began by pushing a bean bag to our partner. Then we could kneel up and pass our bean bag. Ensuring we retrieved the object using two hands. Then we were able to stand up and pass our bean bag. We are really good at this now . So we can now send the ball for our friends to receive.

Class 1 Topic

Class 1 topic this half term is celebrations. We have begun the term by looking at Bonfire Night Celebration. We have made these lovely collages of bonfire night using autumn colours. Do you like our pictures?

The BIG Draw

It has been great to be involved in The Big Draw. We could express ourselves in so many areas of school. We all went to visit the big draw wall in Early Years. We also drew on plates and large paper on the floor. Do you like our drawings?


We have really enjoyed our topic this half term. We even looked at Super Humans. We are amazing machines. We all worked together to create our large bodies to discuss and label. We even wrote about super humans we know.


We had a great time in maths exploring the snakes and ladders board. Some of us had never played snakes and ladder before. It is really tricky moving around the board following the correct number sequence. You have to be very careful to avoid the slippery snakes too. We all waited for our turn patiently and shared the dice.

Autumn Hunt

We have been learning how our environment changes in the autumn season. We all went on out for an autumn hunt to find things that look different at this time of year. We found lots of brown, yellow and red leaves on the ground. We collected them and made a lovely class collage for our wall. We also found lot of nice ripe fruit that we washed and shared back in the classroom.

Road Safety

We were lucky enough to have a special visitor to help us learn how to cross the road safely. We need to THINK, STOP , LOOK, LISTEN. We even learnt a song to help us. Can you sing it? When you want to cross the road. Don't forget to use the green cross code.

P.E in class 1

During P.E we had lots of fun pretending we were cars. We travelled around in a space making sure we didn't bump into our friends. We travelled under bridges and over bumps. We even went around a roundabout. We followed the instructions and could stop on command. We all lined up smartly to have our photo taken. We do look smart in our P.E kits.

Friday Fun time

In Year 1 we work so hard all week so that we can earn ourselves lots of minutes for Friday fun, fun ,fun!