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CLASS 3 Mission Statement (Our Promise 2015/16)
In our class we want every person to feel valued and respected. Together we will make sure that each person is treated fairly so that we all feel safe, secure and happy. This will enable us all to achieve our full potential. In Class 3 we all support the saying, ‘SAFETY, LEARNING & RESPECT!’
IA: ‘I promise to help people in need.’
LB: ‘I promise to help people when they are struggling with something’
HR: ‘I promise to listen to other people when they speak to me’
LT: ‘I promise to be kind and helpful to other children’
Class 3 understand that adults at Stanningley are all the same and will all consistently use Webster Stratton positive behaviour strategies to manage behaviour in our class. We all agree to follow Webster Stratton strategies such as SHOW 5, Ignore, Calm Down and Problem Solving. In Class 3 we understand that sometimes children may forget the rules and as a consequence of this, the Time Out procedure will be followed consistently by the adults in our class.
AS: ‘I promise to ignore wrong choices’
DS: ‘I promise to use kind hands and feet’
We know that some tasks in Class 3 may be difficult but we will always try our best and persevere. We will use our targets to help us improve and we will listen to the advice given by others. We understand that homework tasks are important and contribute towards our learning; therefore we will complete these to the highest standard within the time allowed.
IF: ‘I promise to do my work in the time I am given’
OL: ‘I promise to learn with pride’
KE: ‘I promise to work my hardest’
In Class 3 we know it is important to look after our classroom environment and the things in it which include all of our labelled equipment. We respect one another and will also show respect to anyone who may enter our school. In Class 3 we are developing a better understanding of equality and what we can do to make sure everybody is treated the same. We believe that we should all be treated as equals and everyone should receive a good education where they enjoy learning and want to succeed. Class 3 will welcome visitors into our class.
SP: ‘I promise to love my community.’
LH: ‘I promise to greet new people in school.’
Finally in Class 3 we will come to school every day with a smile on our face and we will be happy.
AG: ‘I promise to smile and make someone else smile too.’
JKC: ‘I promise to make class 3 the happiest place to be’
Please remember to also complete weekly spellings & maths task. Spring 2 & Summer 1 - Weekly literacy skills sheet.
Today, Monday 27th June, the children had a super day at the award winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park. They visited Pixel, Victor and Nissan, at Project Polar, one of the largest polar bear reserves in the world! They also saw the pride of Yorkshire at Lion Country, home to the famous rescued Romanian lions and met some of the most beautiful and endangered animals in the world, including Amur tigers at Land of the Tiger and Amur leopards at Leopard Heights. The children enjoyed the amazing walkthrough enclosures which allowed them to get closer to the animals than ever before with the opportunity to walk with the Lemurs in Lemur Woods and hop along in Wallaby Walkabout. THANK YOU ALL FOR AN AMAZING DAY!
Today, Y3 took part in a sponsored run to raise money for cancer charities. The children were all amazing and did a super job. Unfortunately, due to the weather, we had to use the school playground instead of the park however this did not stop our determination to prove to all, that we can make a difference. Thank you to all that have supported us.

The children enjoyed the practical literacy session that involved them using sentences that included prepositions.

The children in Y3 enjoyed having their own group archery competition. They learnt that just like in the Olympics when the archer is shooting, other people need to be score keeping. TODAY THE CHILDREN WERE SCORE KEEPERS – A VERY IMPORTANT JOB – very trustworthy. They learnt that to be a score keeper they needed to be good mathematicians – REAL LIFE MATHS.

The children in Y3 spent time looking at and discussing 'The Snail,' which is a collage created by Henri Matisse. The work was created from summer 1952 to early 1953. They then used this to plan and create their own collages.

The children in Y3 had a super time at Rodley Nature Reserve where they had great hands on experiences with nature. The visit included map use (orienteering), pond dipping and exploring the life cycles of plants and animals found at the reserve. The day complemented this terms Science and Geography learning and supported our termly theme = The Great Outdoors.

WOW! Today, Y3 were very excited to report back on a dragon sighting at Stanningley Primary School. Footprints, claw prints, scorching's and eggs were found in the school grounds. A sighting of the creature was also caught on camera by Mr Towse. Y3 gathered so much evidence that they will report back to all.

Last half term we were very proud that 50% of the class received a certificate and gift for having 100% attendance during the Spring Term.

As part of our healthy week, Jodi Corcoran from, 'Skipping School' came and led workshops across school. Class 3 had a great time. The children learnt ability appropriate skills as well as having lots of fun! The day was a super opportunity for the children to enjoy physical activity.

As part of our Healthy Week, Warburton's School Visitors visited Class 3 to run a healthy eating and practical food session. This session supported our Year 3 curriculum work. During the School Visitor session, the children worked with food and participated in bread tasting activities before making their own hedgehog bread bun.
As part of our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum all children in KS2 classes (Y3-Y6) took part in drug education sessions on Tuesday 29th March. Drug education is very important area of our curriculum and in Y3 we focused on smoking. An external visitor came into class and we completed lots of practical activities. The people delivering the work are from d:side, which is funded by the Health Care Trust and they are fully qualified and experienced in this field.

Y3 enjoyed inviting their adults from home to see their work during the Class 3 School Assembly. Y3 confidently took the audience on a journey that included music and drama.

Alister Colley - Official Artist of The Grand Départ Tour de France visited Stanningley Primary School on Tuesday 15th March. Alister shared his work with the children during an assembly. The children were very impressed.

Today, Y3 helped Mrs Stott-Moore celebrate a very special birthday. During Spanish the class sang Happy Birthday in Spanish. Watch the video and you will hear just how fantastic we sound.
Today, Thursday 10th March, we were very happy to welcome David Gordon, the Charity Chairman and Tustee of, 'The Book Bus' to Stanningley Primary School. He brought with him a bus (named Matilda) that was parked in the back playground by KS2. The visit started with a short assembly followed by group visits to the bus. The Book Bus is a Charity that runs Literacy Projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, and the UK, bringing the joy of reading to schools and local communities. Further Information is on our website The Book Bus will be coming to Stanningley as part of the Book Bus Roadshow 2016 as they have a new bus, named Matilda, decorated by the Patron Sir Quentin Blake. The road show visits schools and libraries in the UK before the new bus (Matilda) leaves for Malawi in Africa. We were very lucky in securing a visit in the Yorkshire area, especially the week after WORLD BOOK DAY.

Today, Y3 celebrated World Book Day by completing a poetry/movement workshop with Colin & Julie from Moving Words. The children looked at, 'Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears by Emily Gravett. They then put movements to a poem on phobias. Y3 had a super morning and were fabulous when they returned later in the day to perform to the whole school. Well done!

The children had lots of fun at the Spring Disco. Lots of dancing, games and tasty hot dogs.

Today, four work experience students from the local academy came to teach Y3 a cheerleading routine. Following a quick warm up, the children first learnt a dance routine before learning a few stunts that required a combination of balance, strength and flexibility. At the end of the session Y3 performed to a small audience. It was a great performance and the children in year 3 wowed everyone. We would like to thank the students from LWA who made this all possible.
Today the children enjoyed a P4C session where the used a picture stimulus. The children discussed key concepts from the picture which showed, 'The Pit of Learning'. In groups the children used question stems to generate questions and then voted to discuss the key question which was, 'DO YOU HAVE TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF WHEN YOU ARE AFRAID?'

This year, we celebrated Chinese New Year on Monday 8th February. 2016 is the year of the Monkey. For homework the children were asked to make something to decorate our classroom with for the celebrations. The photographs show Class 3 showing off some of their amazing homework.

Class 3 have been learning about skeletons as part of our Science topic on Our Bodies. We learnt how our skeletons are needed by our bodies for support and then we attached drinking straw skeletons to our floppy paper people to help them to stand upright.

The story of ancient Egypt has survived for thousands of years. Egypt was one of the greatest civilizations of the past. The monuments and tombs of their Pharaohs continue to stand intact today, some 4,000 years later! Today the children from Year 3 came to school dressed in Egyptian costume. Look at how fantastic we all look. Thank you to all adults at home for helping us.

As well as dressing up, Class 3 enjoyed Egyptian learning. The Egyptian writing called hieroglyphics used pictures to represent different objects, actions, sound or ideas. The day started with the children familiarising themselves with the Egyptian alphabet and writing their names. This was followed by an Egyptian music session. After lunch, Class 3 combined their Big Treat with Design Technology learning on levers. The children enjoyed making their Pharoahs that, 'Walked like an Egyptian.'

As part of our history learning, Class 3 welcomed two Egyptian visitors into school to talk to us about life in Ancient Egypt. The children used their note making skills to record all of the information that was given following our super questions. A big thank you to Ra and Ka for a very informative session.

We were all very excited today when Santa came to join the Y3 Christmas Party. With the help from Stanningley Primary School, Santa gave everyone a Christmas present. HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!

We all had a fantastic time at the Y3 Christmas Party. First of all we enjoyed playing games and dancing in the hall with Y4. We then went and enjoyed all the yummy food that we had brought to share, before playing some more games and enjoying a special visit.

Our Class Governor, Mrs Morgan, came to watch our Christmas Nativity Play today. She really enjoyed our performance and came into class to tell us. Mrs Morgan had visited the previous week and had brought Y3 some beautiful books for the classroom and a chocolate tree decoration to take home. Thank you Mrs Morgan x
The children in Y3 did a great job of leading the singing in the nativity performance. HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!
The children at Stanningley are very lucky to be involved in the British Art Show 8 activities at Leeds City Art Gallery this term. The staff at the gallery love working with our children, so all classes experienced a range of different workshops. On Thursday 3rd December Class 3 attended a morning workshop, called ‘People Drawing.’
Today we helped to raise money, for Children in Need, by posing for pictures with Pudsey Bear.

Great Excitement! Today the children received their first delivery of newspapers and had their first look at Reading Passports. The YEP sent a photographer to share this day and an article will feature in the paper next week. All the children in Y3 will be taking part in the Reading Passport 2015. Working in conjunction with the Yorkshire Evening Post the reading Passport is a project that adults and children can do together. The children will bring home a copy of the newspaper each week and an activity book with tasks to complete for homework. This is a super opportunity, funded by the school, for families that will promote READING TOGETHER, THINKING TOGETHER and TALKING TOGETHER.

Following on from our Autumn Walk the children used their leaf collections for some cross curricular measuring. The children enjoyed drawing around the leaves before choosing and drawing a line across to measure.

Class 3 had a great time going on an Autumn walk through Stanningley Park. The walk gave the children first hand experience of Autumn and will be used to inspire their writing. The children discovered that although Autumn is a season full of change it is also a season of beauty.
The children had a great time at the Halloween Disco. The costumes were fantastic and we had a fabulous evening partying as ghosts and ghouls. Thank you to the FOSPS for organising.

Y3 continued to experiment and understand how to mix and use colour during the BIG DRAW week at Stanningley. These transient images were made with mini wooden sticks. Through this experience the children realised that drawings can be created using unusual materials. The children changed their pictures and developed them, some even began to produce complex 3D images.

Class 3 had a super day out, taking part in a historical re-enactment for schools, at Home Farm. Dunstans Hall lies within the complex of Home Farm, at Temple Newsam, in Leeds. Taking part in the re-enactment the children were able to go back in time to a world from the past. This helped them to understand what life was like. Effectively for the day Class 3 became newly arrived Anglo-Saxons to our shores. For the day our new address was Dunstans Hall, Neu Hussum, Loides, Elmet, Northymbrareece, Angelnland. The children were guided by experienced staff, in costume and in role all day. Together they re-enacted the kind of lives that people actually lived at that date.

As part of our 'Black History Month' learning, Colin, Julie and Adam came in to school to teach us some performance poetry. We learnt a poem about Martin Luther King and we also looked at a poem by Benjamin Zephaniah called 'People.' The poetry workshop was great fun but it also helped us to understand how important equality is.
During this session the children experimented with just two colours to create a full colour portrait of a friend. Look at the variety of marks and shades that came from just two crayons. The children looked at the work of Eric Carle and Pablo Picasso because both of these artists have played with the power of colour in their work.

Y3 had a super time when the Leeds City Council Road Safety Team, delivered Scooter Training at School. The children began by learning specific skills in the playground before using these skills outside in the local area.

Today, as part of our safety week, the Road Safety Education Team delivered a session called, Danger Family. This was an interactive session using a model ramp with car & video clip. During the session the children learnt to identify the safety issues involved in travelling by car, specifically the importance of using seatbelts, & discussed poor driving behaviour and the implications that this has on pedestrian safety. The children in Y3 enjoyed the session and learnt lots of important information.

Today, Wednesday 9th September 2015 Queen Elizabeth II became the longest reigning UK monarch. The children in Class 3 have enjoyed finding out lots of interesting facts about the queen. They also designed their own postage stamps in which Queen Elizabeth continues to appear. At the end of the day the children all left with a special commemorative coin to mark the event. Thank you to the FOSPS for providing.