Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 6 Class Page » Archive » Archive 2015/16

Here are some pictures from the Year 6 leavers last day at primary school. We wish them all the very best of luck on the next step of their journey. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

Do you like the beautiful tree that our year 6 leavers have bought the whole school. We will always remember you every time we look at it. Thank you.

Here are Year 6 enjoying their leavers BBQ party! The weather held off and we all had a great time! What a fantastic end to the year!
Year 6 took part in a selection of activities aimed at teaching them all about hate crime.

As a reward, all children who have 100% attendance were treated to a circus skills workshop! The children learnt lots of fun and interesting tricks during the session!
Here are some pictures of Year 6 taking part in their Sports Day. The children were amazing and the weather was perfect for us too! What a great day!

Here are some of Year 6 representing their Spirit Alive country `Trinidad and Tobago`, presenting a selection of interesting facts to the rest of the school!

As a reward, Year 6 were visited by the staff at Morley Exotic Animal Rescue, who brought along with them a variety of animals, from snakes and lizards to meerkats and monkeys. The children learnt all about each animal and were even given the chance to handle some of them!

Year 6 had another great day with an opportunity to look around the school where they were staying in Buitrago. After playing out with the Spanish children they were taken on a tour of the walled town and even got the chance to look around the Picasso Museum. Picasso's friend and barber came from Buitrago and when he died he left the painting letters and personal possessions that Picasso had given him to the town.

The children had an exciting day visiting the Bernabeu stadium where they could follow the history and success of the Real Madrid football team. The tour ended with an opportunity to pose in the press room! After a picnic lunch everyone went on a walking tour of the city centre. The children were shown famous buildings including the palace and the elaborate food market along with some interesting statues, point zero and they even had the chance of doing some shopping in the Playa de Mayor.

After a good sleep and a lovely Spanish breakfast the children set off to visit GSD Las Suertes to take part in the chess tournament. The school was very big with 2,200 children aged from 4months to 19 years. Our children played chess with the school chess club and at the end of the day long tournament the children were presented with medals for their success. Next they travelled to the near by Rivas sports centre and took part in a second tournament with the Rivas chess club. After this great tournament all the children received a trophy and enjoyed a picnic tea the Spanish children.

The sun was shining as we made our way to the nature reserve. The children had a fantastic day bird spotting, pond dipping and learning all about bees! What a lovely day!
All the Year 6 children were invited to have breakfast together this week. It was a lovely start to each day. We all shared our thoughts and had a good laugh before we went back to class to sit our SAT papers. We had lots of visits from the teachers and Mr Carney even had his breakfast with us.

Here are the children receiving their certificates for taking part in the orienteering session at Fulneck school last week. One of our teams came in first place out of all the schools taking part! Fantastic achievement!
Here is a small selection of the Easter cards and baskets that the children in Year 6 have made. Some wonderful designs!
Year 6 were invited, along with some other primary schools, to take part in an orienteering task at Fulneck School. The children had a fantastic time, using their maps to try and search for each of the locations in the quickest time possible. A great day was had by all!

Here are the children taking part in some St Patrick's day arts and crafts! A fun-filled afternoon!

We were so lucky at Stanningley to be visited by Matilda, a book bus, which is set to travel the world and eventually end up in Malawi. The children even had the opportunity to get on board and explore it themselves!

As part of Book Week, our regular poet performers joined us in school to run a workshop with Years 5 and 6, looking at the Shakespeare story `A Midsummer Nights Dream`. Here are a few photos showing their performance!
Here are some of the lovely Mothers Day cards the children in Year 6 made last week! We hope you loved yours!
For coping so well with the learning in Year 6, the children were rewarded with a visit to the Ice Cube in Leeds. They all spent the morning on the ice, learning how to skate correctly. We all had a fantastic morning, despite being freezing cold and blown around in the wind!

Here are Year 6 with their Cross stitch Christmas Cards and their amazing calendars! They all did a fantastic job at making them!

What a great day we all had in Year 6 celebrating Christmas with a little party, some games and even a visit from Santa himself!
The children in Year 6 were lucky enough to be visited by a member of the Warburtons team. She gave us lots of information on the history of the brand. Every child also got to knead some dough and shape their very own piece of bread. Everyone had a great time both making and eating their bread roll.

The children in Year 6 went on a lovely visit to Leeds City Museum to take part in a Roman workshop. They learnt lots in the morning, making helmets and searching for artefacts and even had the opportunity to explore the rest of the museum in the afternoon!
Here is a collection of pictures taken of our Robinwood Assembly. All of the children did a fantastic job sharing all of their wonderful experiences from the residential!

The children in Year 6 visited Leeds Art Gallery to take part in a Soft Sculpt Workshop. Lots of fun was had by all and a wonderful display has been created in the classroom using the childrens finished designs.

What a fantastic time we all had at the Halloween Disco! Some fantastic (and scary) costumes on show, as well as some super dance moves!

We have been looking at the famous artist Henri Rousseau this half term and the children have been creating their own designs in his style. Here are some of our designs, as well as some of our work from the Big Draw project which ran right across school this week.

Here are some pictures of the whole class making the most of the Robinwood experience!
Hill Group had a fantastic time at RobinWood! The children showed amazing team work, taking part in the 'Piranha Pool Challenge', trapeze, climbing wall, bouldering and so much more! The children overcame so many fears and each day, building up so much resilience and solidifying some great friendships. Every child has so much to feel proud about! Amazing attitude and team spirit all round!
Wood Group had an amazing time at Robinwood, with every child pushing themselves to the limit and overcoming their fears. We enjoyed spending time in the great outdoors on the Alien Conspiracy challenge and high up on the rocks, where we crawled through even the smallest of boulders. Trapeze, Caving, Climbing and the Piranha Pool left us in our stretch zone but luckily, nobody reached panic mode. All children worked well, guiding each other through the activities and developed well as part of a team. What a fantastic trip away!
Here is a copy of our Class Six Mission Statement.
Day one at Robin Wood was a complete success! The children in Wood Group took part in the Piranha Pool Challenge, archery and the trapeze! Amazing teamwork from all! Well done!
Day One at Robin Wood and what a fantastic time the children had! The children took part in Alien Conspiracy and the Trapeze and really pushed themselves to the limits! Well done all!

On Monday nine children from year six and one from year five cycled all the way into town and back as part of European Mobility Week. It was a very wet day but they still had a lot of fun!

All of Class Six took part in Bikeability, as part of Safety Week. They learnt all about how to keep safe on the roads and ways to look after their bike.
Valley Group had a fantastic time at Robin Wood! The children showed amazing team work, taking part in the 'Piranha Pool Challenge', trapeze, climbing wall, bouldering and so much more! The children overcame so many fears and each day, building up so much resilience and solidifying some great friendships. Every child has so much to feel proud about! Amazing attitude and team spirit all round!