Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Early Years Class Page » Archive » Nursery Archive 2015/16

We are lucky enough to have 10 chicks that have hatched. The children have been very excited to watch them grow, some children have even shown their adults how wonderful they are.

Our children had a wonderful time exploring Home Farm at Temple Newsam. We saw lots of lovely animals, including some piglets that were trotting around the farm all by them selves. The children enjoyed having a little ride on the toy tractors and some children even had a turn on the old tractor.
Throughout the week we listened to the story of The Very Busy Spider. We learnt about the farm animals that visited her ready for our trip to the farm. We talked about how the spider moved to make her web, and we even tried to make a web our self.

Our morning nursery children had a wonderful time running around the hall, with lots of adults watching and cheering them on. Most children ran 60 laps of the hall. The afternoon nursery children ran around the playground until there legs could run no more! We helped to raise lots of money for the fantastic charities.

We have been learning about the traditional story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We have listened to some different versions of the story, and used our wonderful story sack to help us retell the story. We have planted some beans in a hope they will grow into a wonderful beanstalk. some children have made some giant feet!
We were very happy to receive some new dressing up outfits that were kindly donated by Alfie and Harry in school.

Leading up to Easter the children listened to the Easter story, and learnt why we celebrate Easter with chocolate eggs. We made some little Easter baskets just in case the Easter Bunny hopped by, and continued to develop our creative skills by making beautiful card to wish our families a Happy Easter. The nursery children joined in the whole school competition to decorate an egg. We had some wonderful entries. We also talked about the children who were in hospital and some children brought in a chocolate Easter egg to take to Candlelighters who would give these children a special treat.