Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Early Years Class Page » Archive » Reception Archive 2016/17
Reception had a lovely time competing against different teams on Sports Day.
The outside learning area provided the children with the opportunity to use their knowledge and understanding of the world combined with their physical and mathematical skills to build stable walls that were more up to 7 bricks high. Working as a team the children built and rebuilt small walls which later became the outside edge of their meeting place.
All the children had their best clothes on for party day, they enjoyed playing party games such as pass the parcel and having lovely Christmas party food. Later in the day a special visitor came to see us all.
All Reception children enjoyed re telling the story of the birth of Jesus. Lots of the children's adults came to watch their brilliant story telling.

During PE Reception children have been learning about space and finding their own space. With the use of large hops the children learnt how to move around the area with co-ordination and control.
We have been exploring the number five and finding how many different ways we can make the number five such as, 4 and 1 , 2 and 3

Reception celebrated the festival of lights, Diwali. The children have been looking at the book and dressing up as Rama and Sita and the other characters within the story re-enacting it. During the week the children have been making Diva's and even decorating hands with mendhi.

After walking around the school grounds the children enjoyed creating autumn pictures of falling leaves.
Reception children brought in lots of food for our Harvest Festival which was displayed in the hall for the Autumn Harvest Festival Assembly. All the food was shared out and allocated to the local people of Stanningley.

During PE lessons Reception children have been learning how to balance using a beanbag moving in different directions such as forwards, backwards and sideways.

Reception children have been exploring different ways to form letters using dough, paint and cornflour.

Reception children enjoyed joining in the whole school Macmillan Coffee Morning. With their milk in their hands we went into the school hall and bought buns and cake - over a massive £350 was raised.

Reception children have been exploring 2d shapes they have been making repeated patterns and pictures.
All the children in Reception class settled in beautifully in the first three days back to school. They have enjoyed listening to stories and exploring their surroundings painting, building castles in the sand and playing outdoors in the water area.

Reception children have enjoyed walking around the school grounds listening carefully to the different sounds. Whilst exploring the playground they learnt that a smiling face in the window meant that the children could play on the grass. The children listened carefully to the playground rules and know that when the bell rings they need to line up.