Stanningley Primary School

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 1 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Archive 2016/17

Year 1 Trip to Esholt Farm

We had had a brilliant day at Esholt Farm. We met Farmer James and all the animals. We even got to stroke lots of the them. Then we went into the Play Barn where we had loads of fun on the slides and play area. After that we all sat together to eat our lunch. The fun didn't stop there, we went into the Straw Barn then had a nice walk around the farm and we even had time to visit the park area. What a great day!

Sports Day

Wow! What a brilliant morning we had. We all wore our team coloured t shirts and sat in our race groups. We all sat lovely waiting for our group to race. It was great. We all received a sticker at the finish line. When we got back to class we all had a lovely refreshing ice pop.


In Year 1 Our theme in Science this half term has been Holidays. We have been investigating the weather and the effects of the sun. We made our own sun glasses. Do you like them?

Race for Life Event at Stanningley Primary

Year 1 had a brilliant day on Friday 16th June. The whole class went on to Stanningley Park in their P.E kits and trainers. They had a great warm up with our P.E coaches Gaz and Stev. Then the whole class ran all the way around the outside of the full size rugby pitch. Some of us ran twice around. We would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all the adults who sponsored us for some of our favourite charities.

Class 1 Assembly

We would like to say a Big THANK YOU to all those people who came to see our class assembly. We had great fun. We leant our lines and spoke with volume and clarity. Everyone told us how brilliant we were.


We have been working on our measuring objectives in year 1. We have had so much fun pouring and measuring and even learning new vocabulary. We know that we measure fluid in litres and millilitres.

Year 1 Artists Day

Year one had a great day on Friday. We came to school dressed up as and artist or a piece of art. It was good fun and we raised money too, for a piece of art work for our school.

The Gingerbread Man

We have great fun learning the story of The Gingerbread Man. We made our own little Gingerbread Men and wrote his name to help us remember how to spell it when we write the story

Art in The Environment

Year 1 have continued to look at the environment in art. We have used a special graphite pencil to create these lovely rubbings.

Art in the environment

We have had a great time in art this half term. We have been looking art in the environment. We all went out in the lovely spring sunshine and collected little pieces of nature. Then we carefully place them on our white paper to make a natural picture. Do you like them?

Open Wide

Year one have also had visitors from the Open Wide Team. They showed us a power point of how to look after our teeth. They played games and quizzes and even let us brush some enormous teeth.

More Fun In Maths in Year One

We have been learning new vocabulary in maths this week. We used our smart estimating skills to put objects in value order and then used the correct vocabulary to tell our friends the values such as, least, less, more and most.

Maths in Year 1

We have had a great time learning about division. We used lots of different things to solve our sharing problems.

World Book Day

We have had a great week and today we all came to school dressed as our favourite book characters. Don't we all look great.

Our Friends Colin and Adam the Poets

Our friends the poets came to visit this week for World Book Week. They helped us with our story Little Red Riding Hood. We had great fun pretending to be the wolf. After our lovely time with them we invited our adults from home to come and watch us perform the story. They all said how brilliant we were.

RSPB visit Class 1

Year 1 were lucky enough to have had a visit from the RSPB. Our new friend Liz showed us lots of lovely pictures of different animals that we might find in our local environment. She took us on a Bioblitz walk. We had binoculars, a magnifying glass and clipboards to log the animals we could find in our school grounds. It was very interesting. When we got back to class we sorted our findings into groups and even made a collaborative pictogram.

Internet Safety in Year 1

In Year 1 we have been learning about being safe on the internet. We have looked at different types on social media and how we need to be very careful when using it. We have played games and matched emojis to their meanings.We also created posters about ourselves ensuring we were very careful not to give personal details and information.

DT in Year 1 Sliders and mechanisms

We have had great fun making our own little toys. We have been learning about Antarctica and the animals that live there. We drew an ice land scene and cut small slits. Then we made a little artic animal to jump, walk or run along the ice bergs. We told a little story as we showed our friend how our toy worked.

Spring Disco

Year 1 had a lovely time at the Annual Spring Disco. We danced, ate supper, bought sweets from the little shop and had a good chat with our friends.

Year 1 have had great fun in Art

We have been studying The Polar regions and the animals that live there. We all really liked the penguins so we all made our own penguin. Do you like them?

Year 1 trip to Antarctica

Year 1 have had a great time this half term learning all about the polar regions. We were invited to go to Antarctica to become explorers. We needed to plan for the journey. First we all needed to make ourselves a passport. We needed to make a list of things to take. We wrote a list and learnt how to use commas and the word and at the end of our list. We all came to school ready to go in our warm hats,gloves and scarves. We headed off to the waiting area where we got our passports stamped then we boarded the plane. Mrs Robinson gave us a safety talk before take off and then we were on our way. We had in flight entertainment and milk and a snack. When we got off the plane we walked through heavy snow and ice. We worked in groups and used a clipboard to make notes of all the information we needed to find out. We had a great day. We walked like penguin , growled like polar bears, and swam like seals. We even had a big penguin huddle.

Balance and coordination

Year 1 have been continuing to use their balance and coordination during P.E . We can follow instruction and move around with control. We have been using large and small balls to help us with our skills. Have a look at how we can move around and pass a ball around our bodies.

Year 1 The Chinese Zodiac Story

Year 1 have enjoyed learning about The Chinese Zodiac Story. How the Emperor made all 13 animals race for a place on the Chinese Calendar and how the cheeky rat pushed the cat off the ox back just so he could win the race and be the first to be named on the calendar.

Year 1 Assembly

Year 1 have performed their first class 1 assembly. We all stood up and spoke our words with confidence and volume. We sang to our families and showed them all the lovely work we have been doing.

Maths Money

We have begun to look carefully at coins and notes. We have been recognising and understanding the value of the different denominations of coins and notes .


In P.E Year 1 are now working on co ordination, balance and ball skills. We had great fun outside using our balancing skills with a ball. We moved around from space to space stopping to bounce the ball and catch it without it rolling away. We even began to throw the ball up and catch it with some control.

A Special Visitor on Party Day

Year 1 had a great time on party day. We played games shared some nice food and we even had a special person come to visit us.

The Christmas Story

Year 1 had a lovely time time in the Key Stage 1 Christmas performance.

Science - Seasons

Year 1 have been observing the weather and comparing seasons. We looked carefully at the trees and discuss their features and how they change through the year. Then we made our own trees for each season. We then made them into special gives for our families at Christmas.


Year 1 have been learning about shape. We have made circles and divided them into halves and quarters and then we have re arranged them into interesting patterns. We finally made some special gifts and cards.

Children in Need

All the children in year came to school on Friday in non uniform. Some children came covered in spots and some children even looked like Pudsey Bear. We all gavea minimum of £1 to the Children in Need Charity. We even used our loose change to help make a Pudsey Bear made of coins.


In Year 1 we have been investigating 2d shape using special little boards called Geo Boards. We have used laces and elastic bands to create 2d shapes. We can make triangles, squares,rectangles and even some tricky shapes like hexagons. and diamonds. But it is really tricky to make a circle.

Art in Year 1

In Year 1 we have been reading about The Jolly Postman. We linked this to our art sessions. We researched and found an artist called Molly Rausch who collected stamps as a small child. As she grew up she used her stamp collection to create beautiful pieces of art. She begins her paintings using one of her stamps, she draws, paints and extends the image of the stamp. Year 1 have created their own interpretations of Molly's paintings. Have a look to see how brilliant the are.

Maths in Year 1

This week we have been learning all about subtraction and related it to our number bonds. We have using our knowledge of the number song to find the answers to the missing number statements. We then showed through drawing how we could prove the answers were correct.

Year 1 Halloween Disco

Year 1 had a great time at the Halloween Disco. Almost all of the class came. We dressed in spooky costumes and frightened the teachers. We had hot dogs,juice and could buy sweets from the little shop. The disco was brilliant, we danced to the conga and played fun games.

Autumn Walk

In Year 1 we have been discussing the seasons. We know there are four seasons and how the environment changes with the seasons. We all put our shoes and coats on and went outside to investigate. We were like little detectives. We each had a clipboard and collecting bag. When we found an interesting object we wrote adjectives on our clipboard to describe what we had found and then popped the object in our bag. Then we took all our finding inside and sorted them into different categories, such as big , small dark light , spikey and smooth. Then we created our own piece of Autumn art work using the things we had found. Do you like them?


Year 1 have been learning all about ourselves. We have sang songs about our body parts. We can name all the different parts of our body. We used a ruler to draw straight lines to write labels on our body pictures.

Black History

Our friends Colin,Julie and Adam came to visit us. They helped us with our story Elmer. Julie told the story, Colin and Adam helped us with the actions. We learnt that just like Elmer we are all different on the outside. It was a great afternoon.

Maths In Year 1

In Year 1 we have been investigating with numicon. We have counted the little holes and matched the numicon plates to the corresponding number cards.

Year 1 Road Safety

Year 1 have had some special visitors today to help us with our life skills. Our friends Wendy & Stev came to our room and talked to us about how to stay safe around our roads. We even all had the chance to go out to the road and use the new skills we have learnt. We all needed to THINK , STOP , LOOK ,. LISTEN.

Brain Awareness

Class 1 have had a great time learning about our senses. We now know that we have five senses. Our senses help us to look, hear, smell, taste and touch. We have completed lots of different activities using and testing our senses. We have tasted different foods wearing blind folds. We have listened carefully to sounds and found the direction it came from. We have smelt and matched different smells. We have felt a variety of object and described them and we have even looked carefully at unusual pictures that move if you stare at them for a long time. We even learnt how the brain connects and made some amazing brain hats. It was brilliant fun!

Year 1 Settling in

Our first week settling into year one . We have had great fun settling into our classroom. We have been very busy finding where things belong and how the day is a little different from Reception, but we have managed to still find the time to have some fun too.