Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 3 Class Page » Archive » Archive 2016/17
Class Three took part in the schools Race for Life. Thank you for helping us to raise lots of money for our chosen charities.
Wet, wet, wet! Constant rain still didn't dampen Class Three's enjoyment of our soaking trip to Rodley. The wonderful staff at the reserve had planned some tweaks to our itinerary to ensure we weren't exposed to the rain for the whole day, however it still rained the whole day including the walk back too!
Class Three achieved their next big treat. Some of us wanted a pyjama/dvd treat, some of us wanted to play football and some of us wanted to bring wheels in for a wheel treat - so we split three ways and did it all! Here are some pictures from the wheels and sports group.
One glorious sunny day, Years 3 and 4 went to Nell Bank for their summer trip. We had lots of fun and learnt a lot about animal habitats, wildlife and how wet water can be!
IN maths we have been learning about perimeter. We used meter rulers to measure the perimeter of the shapes in the KS2 playground.
We had a go at mapping the playground. We had to measure it using our steps and decide on a suitable scale to use. We then had to draw our maps onto squared paper.
We took advantage of our beautiful flower beds by going out in the sunshine and making observational drawings to start our science topic on plants.
As part of Healthy Week, Chloe came in to do a Boxercise session with us all. We learnt a few different moves and even did some sparring with each other. We also know that these moves were strictly for exercise and not for the playground!
As part of Healthy Week we had a team of junior dentists come in to teach us all about keeping our teeth healthy. We learnt how to brush them properly, what foods are good/bad for them and pretended to be dentists too.
As part of our Healthy Week we had a visitor from D-Side Drug Awareness. She told us all about the dangers of smoking.
We were very lucky to have an original art work on loan to us for the day from Leeds Art Gallery. The painting was by an Irish painter called Jack Yeats. We explored the painting with the help of staff from the gallery.
What a great night we had. Enjoying stories in different rooms and then back to the hall for two more tales told by Mrs Pritchatt, all in our pyjamas!
Our favourite poets Colin and Julie came to do a dance and drama workshop all about two Michael Morpurgo books called Dolphin Boy and Little Albatross. It was lots of fun getting into character.
Look at you all dressed up and throwing shapes on the dance floor. Special mentions to Erem and Felix who did not stop dancing. At all!
Oh no not cheer leading thought some of the boys... before they tried it! What a great session we had. Thanks to the cheer leading team from LWA. Everyone had a fun time and learnt a new routine. Just in time for the disco!
Here we are plying games using throwing and catching skills. We also had to think hard about who and where to throw the ball to earn maximum points.
Mr Alex has been teaching us a new tune to play using our voices and the plinky plonkys! Maybe you'll get to hear us play to you sometime soon!
As part of our Stone Age learning we had a go at cave painting. We drew animals and hunting scenes just like our ancestors did over 10, 000 years ago.
Today we were exploring shadows. What makes a shadow? How can you change the size of a shadow? Now we know.
We began the year in a wonderfully positive way by making paper buckets and then filling each others buckets with kind words. Look how happy it made us!
We had a very special visitor today who even brought presents with him. A great end to our Christmas party day.

We played a game of What time is it Mr Wolf... in Spanish. It was c c c cold but fun!
We had a lovely walk in the park yesterday to experience Autumn using our senses. We collected leaves and made wonderful leaf people in the afternoon. Now we are in the process of using our trip to create some wonderful writing.

We had a visit from the Leeds Road Safety team this week. We discussed the dangers of not wearing a seat belt and were showed what could happen if we did not wear one. We all know now how important it is to wear a seat belt.

Yr 3 and 4 had a fantastic trip to Temple Newsam as part of our Tudor topic. We had a fun half a day looking around the farm. We saw pigs, sheep, cows, goats and many more animals. In the afternoon we got to dress up as real Tudors and have a dance in our costumes. We also had a tour around the house and learnt many fascinating Tudor facts.

Yesterday we were learning about home safety. We were all safety inspectors and had to spot dangers around the home. Don't we look official!

Last week we had our School Council elections. We wrote our own speeches and then performed them to the class. On the Friday we voted for our favourites. Congratulations to Millie and James who were chosen as our Year 3 school councillors.
Sunshine in September means PE outside! Here we are enjoying some team games in the sunshine. Thanks to Mr Whitehead for the photos.
This week we have been learning about how our brains work and how we learn. We looked at how we pick up information through our senses, how we have three brains and also a left and right brain. Finally we looked at the different ways in which we are smart by trying our a variety of different activities to see which we were great at and which we need to develop.