Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 3 Class Page » Archive » Archive 2017/18
We looked at how we all have different opinions about things and that it doesn't matter if we don't agree. What is important is listening to each other and being able to get along. We had to get the whole class from one side of the playground to the other . We could only stand on big sheets of paper and we only had five of them. We discussed our strategies in small groups and then as a whole class, without [much!]adult guidance, managed to get everyone across successfully.
We had a go at making our own printing blocks using cardboard. We managed a few good prints before it fell apart! Then we tried polystyrene sheets and these were much more effective. As you can see we had some lovely results.
Here are a couple of videos of our outdoor performance.
Class Three gave a performance of some of the songs we have been learning throughout the year. As the weather has been so good we decided to hold it outside. Well done Class Three!
In Science Class 3 have been looking at plants & working in groups they had to act out the roles of the different parts of plants & decide which was the most important part of a plant. This started lots of debates about the different roles the parts play & the children found out that each part is important & that each part is needed to make the plant grow.
We had a great time at our annual Sprit Alive. The children he lots of fun competing in all the different races.
Year 3 had a great time at this years Race for Life. The children enjoyed running around the Rugby pitch raising money for the chosen charities. Everyone did really well & felt proud to receive a very special medal.
The children had a FANTASTIC day on their summer trip to the National Coal Mining Museum. They had the opportunity to explore the museum grounds, go on a journey through time on the Underground Tour and end the day having an amazing time on the Adventure Playground!
We had a fascinating day visiting Leeds Art Gallery for a creative working workshop. We investigated sculptures in the gallery, looking at how found objects can be the start of an artwork. We took this idea and used it to create some very unique group stories! In the afternoon we were able to look around the gallery at the many varied pieces on display and also take a trip round the corner to the Ancient Egyptian display at Leeds Museum. This tied in perfectly with our topic this term as we were able to see a real life, 3000 year old mummy which, despite the opinions of some, did not move at all!
We had a visit from a lady from Warburton's bakers today. She talked to us about the history of the company, how it has grown from a small family bakery into a multi million loaves per week business. She taught us all about making healthy choices with our food and showed us how to make our own healthy sandwiches which we then got to eat. Yum Yum!
We looked at many different ways to be healthy this week. In science we looked at what animals, including us, need to eat to get the proper nutrition they need. We looked at what makes a healthy diet for humans. We looked at the dangers of too much fats and sugar. We looked at the importance of handwashing and saw just how thorough we need to be. We also thought about what we can do to be more active to help keep our bodies strong and fit. We also looked at the dangers of smoking, the harm it does to our bodies and how we can say no.
Here are some clips from our recent performance with Colin and Julie
Our favourite poets came in this week and held an exciting dance and drama workshop with us. We looked at the Roman Gods, The 12 Tasks of Hercules and Oedipus and the Sphinx. As ever, we had a great time, learnt a lot and gave a great performance!
Here are some pictures of our fantastic Stone Age to the Bronze Age assembly performance. We all worked hard to learn our lines and had a great time doing it.
Class 3 did a fantastic job of learning their lines for the class assembly & delivered them in such clear, confident voices. The assembly was all about The Stone Age, here are a few snippets from it.
Wow! what a fantastic time we had at Hoop Starz. Tracey came to show us how to use a hula hoop correctly. We now know how to stand correctly with one foot in front of the other and rock our bodies forward and backwards. We have even learned how to do special tricks, like standing on one leg, jumping, turning all whilst spinning a hula hoop. We felt good after we had finish it was a great work out
We looked at how shadows are made when an object blocks the light. We then investigated how we could change the size of the shadow. We noticed that the closer we moved the object to the light, the larger the shadow got.
We have been learning about pro nouns. We have been finding them, using them in our writing and listening out for them in each others writing.
We used arrays to help us understand division. We looked at division as sharing and grouping.
We had fun using our bodies to make letters , numbers and other shapes. As you can see here we then did this in groups. Can you tell what shapes we are making?
Year 3 have made their way up their reward chart & have reached the "Big Treat" to celebrate this the children decided to have a DVD Pyjama party. They enjoyed watching the film The Croods.
We had a very special visitor during the Christmas party who came to bring everyone a lovely gift.
Today was the day of our annual Christmas Panto! This year the show was Aladdin. The hall was filed with fun & laughter.
A big well done to everyone for the fantastic performance of Hosanna Rock, you all sang beautifully & the show was amazing. Thank you to everyone who supported us. We hope you all have a Happy Christmas!
Class Three went to Leeds Art Gallery to work with an artist on the subject of shelter. We thought about what it means and then looked at the work of Joseph Beuys to help inspire us. We made a giant shelter out of cardboard that we could all climb into. We had lots of fun and learnt that anyone can be an artist.
The children were very excited today when Pudsey Bear turned up for our school assembly. We were all lucky enough to have a photo with him.
Year Three had a very interesting trip to the United Hebrew Congregation synagogue in Shadwell. We had a most informative visit where we learnt all about what happens inside the Jewish church.
Everyone had such fun when the whole class took part in a morning of scooter training.
Anne from the road safety team came in & talked to the children about staying safe in vehicles.
During Safety Week Class 3 looked at safety around the home, had Anne from the Road Safety Team come in & talk about staying safe in a car & even had some scooter training, so that they can stay safe while out & about.
Year 3 have enjoyed learning some games in Spanish, starting with Simon says, as well as learning how to greet each other.
On Friday 15th September the children from Class 3 got to vote for their class school councillor. Everyone who wanted to run for school councillor wrote & delivered a speech to the rest of the class to state why people should vote for them. Congratulations to Lola & Miles who were voted as the Year 3 representatives.