Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 6 Class Page » Archive » Archive 2017/18
We all had a great time at the Year 6 leavers BBQ. We had burgers, hot dogs and snacks. We listened to music, danced, played tennis, football and hung around with our friends just for a chat. We even tipped toed through the tulips with Mrs White and Mr Carney.
Here are some pictures of the Year 6 children running in our Race For Life event this year! Luckily the weather was on our side! What a fantastic day we all had!
World Famous Author Melvin Burgess and Martin Riley came into school to work with our Year 6 children in a Viking workshop. The session was action packed and left the children wanting more! It also helped boost the writing of the Year 6 children in follow up sessions afterwards.
A small group of children in Class 6 were given a set of instructions and various resources for them to make their very own Viking Longboat. A few did struggle with this but they all gave it a good go and we got some super results!
The Year 6 children had the opportunity to make some healthy sandwiches/wraps which they had planned to do over the last few weeks. They really enjoyed making and eating their healthy snacks during the afternoon!
As part of Healthy Week, Year 6 were visited by DSIDE who came in to discuss drug awareness with the children.
During the Spring term the children in class 6 studied electricity with Mrs Baum. Here you can see how much fun they had building and creating some of their own electrical circuits!
The children in Years 5 and 6 took part in a drama workshop with Colin and Julie based around Romeo and Juliet. Here are some pictures of them in action!
Here are the brave youngsters in Year 6 who took to the stage in this years Talent Show! They all did fantastically well!
As part of Internet Safety Day, the children in Class 6 took part in a drama workshop in the morning. They worked together in small groups and using a script provided put together their own performance with the job of creating their own ending to deliver a key message that would help people to stay safe online.
Four lucky children from Class 6 won a competition at Leeds West Academy which saw them head down to Capital FM to record a jingle which will be broadcast on the radio station in the upcoming weeks! What a wonderful opportunity this was for the children!
Year 6 put their teamwork skills to the test in a workshop based all around sculpture and den building. Take a look at some of the shelters that were created by the children when they visited Leeds Art Gallery.
Here are the children collecting their Robinwood certificates following their fantastic assembly.
The children in class 6 have been learning all about the process of evolution this year and how fossils are formed. They were given a challenge in this lesson, whereby they had to use a toothpick to take out the individual chocolate chips from a cookie without damaging it. It was great fun and very challenging for all!
The children took part in a small workshop based around the choices made during WW1 and they had to engage in discussions around this. Some super debates took place and everyone really enjoyed taking part in the afternoon session.
Once again, Colin and Julie delivered a workshop with Class 5 and 6 linked to their slavery unit of work. Here are some pictures taken in the session.
What a great time we all had at Robinwood! Please enjoy looking through some pictures of our time there!