Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 4 Class Page » Archive » Archive 2018/19
On Thursday 20th June, Y4 visited Rodley Nature Reserve and had hands on experiences with nature. This included orienteering, pond dipping and exploring the life cycles of plants and animals found at the reserve. The day at the reserve complemented this terms Science learning.
The children had a super morning attending the Victorian School Room at Armley Mills. The Victorian School Room session gives pupils the opportunity to explore the timetable of a typical school of the School Board era 1870 to 1901. In an authentic classroom Class 4 followed a timetable based on the 3 Rs under the watchful eye of Maam. Although working under very strict conditions the children were impeccably behaved and a real credit to Stanningley Primary School.
Following the morning in the Victorian School Room Y4 attended the Mill Children afternoon workshop. This half-day session focused on what life might have been like for a poor Victorian mill worker. The children learnt about the characters that might have worked in a woolen mill and explored the collections on site. The children also had the opportunity to visit the Mill cottages and saw the contrast between home life for the rich and the poor.
On Friday 8th March 2019 Class 4 will be attending a morning workshop. This visit supports our half term theme on The Romans. The purpose of the morning visit is to understand how we can use objects and other things that were left behind to learn about the Romans. The objectives for the morning To be able to describe Roman soldiers after looking at statues of Roman marbles To make a link between everyday Roman objects and everyday modern objects To gather evidence about Roman life through objects at Leeds City Museum To organise information and develop chronological understanding
Well done to all of our Y4 Stanningley Super Skippers. You ALL did us proud. The skipping standard on display at the festival was amazing. Find attached a copy of the certificate results. Fantastic results for Stanningley Primary School.
On Monday 18th March Class 4 ALL competed in the Skipping Festival Event at Leeds West Academy. The Skipping Festival Event is a competition based celebration of skipping. The range of skipping challenges has been carefully selected to engage children of ALL ability levels ensuring the project is fully inclusive. At the festival the children represented Stanningley Primary School and competed against pupils from four local primaries in the variety of skipping challenges. We were proud to announce that Stanningley Primary were the winners of the skipping dance. We also had many outstanding performances in both individual and team events.
In R.E. we learnt about the creation stories of different religions and used a diamond 9 to compare statements we could make about them.
On Monday 21st January we were pleased to welcome volunteers from the NSPCC to deliver the NSPCCs Speak out Stay safe assembly. At Stanningley Primary School we feel that it is important for all our pupils to have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse. During the assembly we were pleased to meet the friendly mascot Buddy.
This term the children in Year 4 are enjoying using the ukuleles in their music sessions with Mrs Rivers.
In Geography we used water falling from watering cans to simulate rainfall and observed what might happen as rain fell on various types of surface. We linked this to our learning about how rivers are formed.
Working in partnership with Bradford City Football Club, today we were proud to take a small group of girls to visit Bramley Library on Hough Lane. This was a super opportunity for the children to use resources in the community whilst improving their reading skills. The children were impeccably behaved and thoroughly enjoyed the session. Thank you to all the staff at Bramley Library for making us feel so welcome.
On Friday 16th November we made the school spotty for the day by challenging everyone to dress in spots. We raised money for BBC Children in Need in exchange for ditching our school uniform. We also had a special Children in Need Raffle but unfortunately we had no winning tickets from Class 4. After celebration assembly we were all very excited when Pudsey Bear visited Year 4 and posed for a photo. WE DID OUR THING FOR CHILDREN IN NEED.
In PE the children started the session by walking in and out of each other. On the count of 8 they were all able to make and hold a shape. They then explored themed shapes that the adult called. This progressed to when you get to the count of 8 find a partner and hold a counter balance. Moving the lesson forward the children the found another pair to make a group of 4. They chose and performed a shape at the same time facing inwards. They then adjusted the shape so that it contrasted with others in the group. Together the children then developed performed and synchronized a sequence. The social cog for the lesson started with I can help, praise and encourage others. This progressed to I show patience and support to others. All of the children in Class 4 met these outcomes showing that all of our children can show the value of POLITENESS in our PEACE WEEK.
In Y4 the children shared a stimulus text about a young girl called Pauline. They were then asked to consider if the incident in story was an example of bullying and if yes to explain why. (recapping on the three core conditions of bullying: that it is intentional; that it is ongoing; that there is a power difference). A few children were shocked by the story, feeling that Stanningley Primary School offered them a safe learning space. The children then were then asked to vote with their feet whilst taking part in an opinion corners activity. The children were asked whether they agree with a range of statements relating to the stimulus text, and why.
On Monday 12th November 2018 it was WEAR ODD SOCKS DAY FOR ANTI-BULLYING WEEK. Y4 enjoyed coming into school wearing a variety of odd socks. Odd Socks day takes place on the first day of Anti Bullying Week to help raise awareness. Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It is an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate individuality. There is no pressure on the children to wear the latest fashion or for parents to buy expensive costumes. All they have to do to take part is wear odd socks to school, it could not be simpler!
Y4 have been learning about Armistice Day. In English we wrote repeating poems thinking carefully about the vocabulary that we used. We also made our own poppies thinking about the flower that is now a symbol to remember those who have given their lives in war. We also learnt that the reason poppies are used to remember those who have given their lives in battle is because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after World War One ended.
Class 4 experimented to find patterns linking the pitch of a sound and the source of a sound. Shortening a string or tightening an elastic band made a higher note. Class 4 found that when they put chime bars into size order it matched the order of a musical scale going from large low notes to small high notes.
As part of our 'Black History Month' learning, Colin, Julie and Adam came in to school to teach us some performance poetry. We learnt a poem about Martin Luther King and had worked hard to add appropriate actions. The poetry workshop was great fun but it also helped us to understand just how important equality is.
As part of our 'Black History Month' learning, Y4 learnt about Nicola Adams. Nicola Adams OBE is officially GB's most successful female boxer ever. The first British boxer to successfully defend their Olympic title for 92 years. Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed this energetic workshop and especially enjoyed working up a sweat when they performed the dance at the end. Many thanks to Colin, Julie and Adam from Moving Words for another fabulous workshop.
Year 4 had fun learning their Spanish numbers by playing dominoes.
Click to view a parents online guide to PANTS
Class 4, were introduced to the NSPCC singing dinosaur video to introduce the very important PANTS acronym. The children loved singing along with Pantosaurus whilst learning the key PANTS messages. HELP YOUR CHILD TO STAY SAFE BY TALKING PANTS!
This week the children in Y4 spent time looking at and discussing 'The Snail,' which is a collage created by Henri Matisse. The work was created from summer 1952 to early 1953. They then used this to plan and start to create their own collages.
Following the school council elections last week, we are very pleased to announce our class councilors for Class 4. Well done!
The votes are in and the results will be announced in assembly on Monday.
In English, the children have been working really hard to write a persuasive speech. Linking closely with one of our PSHE units the children have learnt about democracy and why it is important to use your vote wisely. Today, the children who were interested in becoming a class councilor read out their speeches to the entire class to persuade their classmates that they should be elected as the class representative for school council. The children showed great confidence and the Year 4 Team were all very proud. Good luck to you all, when the council election takes place tomorrow.
Today, members of the Leeds City Council Road Safety Team came into Class 4 to carry out pedestrian crossing skills training. The training involved identifying safer places to cross and practical road crossing skills using a pedestrian crossing facility. The children were taken out to cross local roads in small groups and were impeccably behaved.
Our first REAL PE session of the year focused on Personal Skills. We looked at keeping going when things are hard. Only moving on when you can do things lots of times. Finding a challenge you that you cannot quite do and then see if you can do it. Looking at these focus points we worked in pairs to complete personal best baseline assessments.
Power Maths is an exciting whole-class mastery approach that works for every child. It is the only mastery programme perfectly aligned to the White Rose Maths progressions and schemes of learning and it is written specifically for UK classrooms by leading mastery experts. Today, the children in Class 4 were introduced to their new maths scheme and they were very excited to handle the new resources.
Y4 made a super start to the new academic year. One of the first tasks of the new term was to work together in order to decide upon the classroom rules. At the end of the activity, the children used the 'Diamond 9' formation to prioritise their rules. We are looking forward to a very successful year in Class 4.