Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 4 Class Page » Archive » Year 4 Class Archive 2021-2022
As part of of our art unit on invertebrates, we created pictures using different media including paint. We chose a butterfly to paint using water colour.
During Spanish, the children in class 4 have been learning about flamenco dancing. they produced their own 'el albanico' (fan).
We spent a fantastic day at St Thomas' Church in Stanningley, being Victorian children! In the morning, we had Religious Instruction followed by Writing and Arithmetic. We had a picnic lunch and payed Victorian games outside. In the afternoon, we wrote with ink pens; did sewing and physical drill; and made silhouette pictures. Members of church joined us, arriving dressed up as Victorian school board members, come to inspect our work!
To help prepare for our Victiorian trip, we have been rehearsing the song All Things Bright and Beautiful and the poem The Charge Of the Light Brigade. We have even used the 1881 Leeds Census to help us choose our own Victorian name!
On the 7th June Class 4 visited Nell Bank, an outdoor education centre near Ilkley. The centre at Nellbank is award winning and extremely popular. At Nell Bank, the specially trained leaders involved the children in many different outdoor activities. The children had a fun and energetic day of exploration that was related to their learning. The focus of the Y4 learning programme was HABITATS. This programme offered pupils the chance to explore habitats in depth, carefully observing and classifying creatures which have adapted to the environment surrounding us.
Today, Y4 enjoyed an active, fast paced session that offered performance opportunities. The theme was MOVING THE CURRICULUM. Artis Specialist Crunch, was joined by Sky Arts volunteer, Hannah Richardson to deliver the fun session.
As part of our Jubilee celebrations, we designed and made a brooch for the Queen. We researched possible brooches and chose our colours, shapes and materials.
We all enjoyed a super day for the Platinum Jubilee, dressed up in red, white and blue or the fashions of the 1950s.
This term, our Computing unit has been about searching the internet effectively. We used our Computing skills to research the features of some of the invertebrates that we found on our bug hunts as part of our Science unit on Living things and their habitats.
During our MindMate session, we explored discrimination and recognised that discrimination can lead to uncomfortable feelings. Year 4 explored the impact of their actions on others and developed self awareness. Year 4 were able to identify six of the eight protected characeristics.
As part of our Living Things Science Unit, we investigated the "Bugs" that live in our outdoor areas. We used a key to identify as many small creatures as we could - spiders, ants, flies, beetles and many more! Back in the classroom, we also used questions to make our own identification keys.
During our S.R.E session, the children in class 4 identified different body parts and explored the changes that happen to our bodies as we grow from children into young adults. After taking clothing from the clothes bag, the children identified the item and explained what part of the body it covered. The children named the different parts of the body and it as explained that, although we may use different names for our private parts at home, we use the scientific name for these parts at school.
The school councillors organised a decorated Easter egg competition and presented prizes to our class winners and participants.
Red Nose Day is back and today, Friday 18th March once again, the nation geared up to put on their Noses, pull out all the stops, and got fundraising. Comic Relief is a major charity based in the UK, with a vision of a just world, free from poverty. The charity works tirelessly all year round to help make this vision a reality. Once again Stanningley Primary School decided to get involved and help raise money for this incredible cause. To do our bit and raise money, we had a non-uniform day. The children in Y4 donated £1 to Comic Relief and in return they wore their own clothes following our theme, wear something red. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED THIS WORTHY CAUSE.
At Stanningley Primary School, as part of book week the children in Key Stage 2 were visited by author and illustrator, Chris Mould, who has written and illustrated many books, including Ted Hughes, The Iron Man. Signed copies of The Iron Man were available for the children to buy. The staff and children thoroughly enjoyed the visit.
On World Book Day the children were invited to come to school dressed as a favourite book character. The dressing up possibilities are endless, for example, Postman Pat, Oliver Twist, Fantastic Mr Fox, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Danny- Champion of the World, Matilda, Goldilocks, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Twits, Cinderella, Gruffalo, Elmer the Elephant, Three little Pigs, Harry Potter etc… Also, on World Book Day the children were given the opportunity to visit a book sale in the Big Spacel, where there was a large variety of books on sale for children to buy.
On Monday 28th February, the children were encouraged to return to school with an entry for the Potato Character Competition. Children were invited to decorate a potato as a favourite book character and bring it in to school. The potatoes were judged externally and the Y4 entry, Robin Spud was the Y4 and Overall Winner.
Shrove Tuesday is the day when people traditionally use up all their rich luxury foods that they will not be eating during Lent. To do this, they make pancakes and eat them with a variety of tasty fillings. Today, Shrove Tuesday, the children in Class 4 made pancakes in the school hall. The children enjoyed cooking them, flipping them and of course, eating them. Pancakes are very simple to prepare and this, together with the wealth of possible flavour combinations. Shrove Tuesday falls on 1st March this year and is an important date in the Christian calendar. It is the last day before Lent, during which Christians abstain and take time to look inwardly. Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day.
Using a selection of local maps, the children in Class 4 identified the religions represented in their community. The children were able to describe the places of worship and services they offer. They discussed why some areas of Leeds have more places of worship than others and were able to say why religious diversity can be a good thing.
As part of our work on States of Matter, we observed an ice cube. We watched what happened to it in the half hour after it was taken out of the freezer. Every three minutes, we drew a new picture of it to record how it changed over time. We noticed that the cube of ice became smaller and the pool of water around it became larger.
Today, the children used a cut up picture strategy to ask questions about what they saw. For example, they were asked, what do you think you know about the piece you have been given. They were then given further pieces and asked to link them up. Following this they were then asked, whether it changed their thinking.
We looked at different sizes and shape of cardboard box. We dismantled them to look at the net when the box was a flat piece of cardboard. We put our boxes back together to see how they were constructed.
As part of our work on rivers and the water cycle, we went outside to investigate what happens when rain falls on the land. We simulated rainfall with a watering can and observed what happened when it fell on a variety of surfaces in our school grounds.
The children worked on recognising various emotions and how these might be present in a range of situations. The children also explored the fact that emotions and feelings are a natural part of life and that different people will react to these feelings in different ways.
A very festive afternoon was shared by ALL in Class 4. Dancing, games, food and laughter. We even received a very special message from the man in red. Thank you Class 4, you are amazing. HAVE A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS.
The Focus for our design technology this half term was electrical systems. We linked this to our learning in science and looked at simple circuits and switched including programming and control. As part of the DT process the children went through the 4 stages of design, make, evaluate and technical knowledge. The design brief was to make an illuminated sign to advertise our Christmas performance.
Today, Class 4 supported MISSION CHRISTMAS and Cash for Kids by donating a minimum of one pound, to dress up Christmassy. Cash for Kids responds to the needs of children in our communities so they can live life to the full and realise their individual potential. Based across 22 areas in the UK, at the heart of your favourite radio stations, Cash for Kids support children aged 0-18 who are disabled, disadvantaged or suffering from abuse or neglect. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Together, we can make a difference.
To conclude our 6 week reading intervention programme, today we were proud to take a small group of Y4 children to visit Waterstones Book Store, in Bradford. The store is often described as a gem of a bookshop, housed in Bradfords Victorian Gothic Wool Exchange building. The children had the opportunity to explore the store whilst putting into practice some of the reading skills that they have learnt over the past weeks. Before leaving the store, on the mezzanine floor, the children were given the opportunity to sit in the balcony cafe, with a book and admire the architecture of both the shop and the city.
We are so proud to present our Christmas Nativity Performance of Shine. The children enjoyed putting on this performance and I am sure that you will agree that they all did us proud. Just press the play symbol below and let us entertain you.
We were all oozing with pride today when the children from Year 3 and 4 performed their Christmas Nativity Production, Im Gonna Shine, in front of the whole school. The quality of the singing and the acting was amazing and the school audience were delighted with the performance. Happy Christmas Everyone.
This week in English the children in Y4 completed a series of lessons that accompanied the Michael Morpurgo book, COMING HOME. Today, the children use the Thought Tunnel Dilemma to ask, Should Robin continue on his journey. The children made two lines and faced each other. We chose a child to be the Robin who walked between the lines to hear advice. One line of children gave reasons why Robin should turn back and the other line of children gave reasons why Robin should continue. When the children were ready, the Robinwalked slowly between the two lines and listened to the reasons on both sides. It was explained that this was meant to sound like thoughts in Robins head so it does not matter if ideas got repeated. The children were encouraged to use teamwork and careful listening by waiting for turns to speak.
Three musicians joined us for the a fabulous afternoon of music making. We sang, made rhythms, played instruments and had a wonderful time!
Our Science unit for this half term is Electricity. We are learning how to create a circuit with batteries, wire and bulbs so that the bulb lights up. We are then investigating what happens to the bulb when we change the circuit.
The children in class 4 completed pedestrian crossing skills training.The training was carried out by the Influencing Travel Behaviour Team and involved identifying safer places to cross and practical road crossing skills. In class the children discussed the Green Cross Code. THINK, STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN.
Kathryn Heaton visited Class 4 to deliver a keeping safe and well session. During the session, we discussed health and hygiene. The children discussed infections and how we can help our bodies fight them.
On Tuesday 21st September 2021, a team of 8 Y4 boys were able to attend a Cross Country training competition at Leeds West Academy. The boys did a great job and showed real Stanningley team spirit.
Today, Mr Anderson our Primary Sports Coordinator, introduced Class 4 to Goalball. Goalball is a unique Paralympic team sport for visually impaired players. However, in the UK, anyone can play as everyone wears eyeshades. Instead of using sight, you listen for the audible ball and feel for the tactile court. It's great fun! Goalball is a 3 v 3 sport and is typically adapted for a school environment using benches and mats in place of the goals and tactile court used at the Paralympics. There are vital non-playing roles required in goalball including goal judges, officials, timekeepers, and scorekeepers.
Class 4 made a fantastic start to the new academic year. One of the first tasks of the new term was to work together in order to decide upon the classroom rules. At the end of the activity, the children used the 'Diamond 9' formation to prioritise their rules. We are looking forward to a very successful year in Class 4.