Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 4 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Year 4 Class Archive 2022-2023

Sports Day - Summer 2

We really enjoyed our afternoon of sports, competing for our colour teams and cheering everyone!

Geography - Summer 2

As part of our topic on America, we've been learning to use an atlas to locate cities in North America.

Victorian Day - SUMMER 2 - 22.6.23

Class 4 had an amazing Victorian school day at St. Thomas' Church. Wearing Victorian costumes and with a name they'd each chosen from the 1891 Bramley census, the children enjoyed Victorian-style lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, they learnt to sew, made silhouette pictures, did Physical Drill and used an ink dip pen. At the end of the day, they received a certificate for excellent attendance at St. Thomas' Board School.

Victorian Day - SUMMER 2 - 22.6.23

Class 4 had an amazing Victorian school day at St. Thomas' Church. Wearing Victorian costumes and with a name they'd each chosen from the 1891 Bramley census, the children enjoyed Victorian-style lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, they learnt to sew, made silhouette pictures, did Physical Drill and used an ink dip pen. At the end of the day, they received a certificate for excellent attendance at St. Thomas' Board School.

P.E. - Summer 1

We have been enjoying lots of activities which will help us to develop our athletics skills.

Chess - Summer 1

Every week, our class enjoys specialist Chess tuition from a visiting expert! We love to play and we are really impressing our expert - Stephen - with the skills we have developed.

Coronation celebrations 5.5.23 Summer 1

We all had a marvelous day to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. We dressed in red, white and blue and enjoyed a special picnic lunch. Class 4 designed their own versions of the coronation coach with every comfort for the new king.

Science Week - Spring 2

Lots of children brought in their very own science experiment to demonstrate to the class. They all did an amazing job!

Spanish - Spring 2

The children in class 4 had a go at writing a conversation in Spanish about what they have learnt this half term.

D.T - Shell Structures - Spring 2

This half term, for our D.T topic, we have been looking at shell structures. We looked at how to make a cube.

Science Spring2

This half term we have been learning about our digestive system. After watching a video of our digestive system we recreated it using objects! It was disgustingly intriguing!

Chance2Shine Cricket Spring2

This half term we have participated in cricket. The children have loved these sessions.

Snow - SPRING 2

The children in Class 4 enjoyed getting to play out in the snow.

Book Week Competition - Spring 2

Class 4 produced lots of fantastic entries for our school competition to decorate a potato as a book character.

World Book Day - Spring 2

We all enjoyed our school Book Week! On World Book Day, we came to school dressed as a favourite book character - and finished the day with a Fancy Dress Disco!

Bikeability - 30/1/23 & 31/2/23 - SPRING 1

During the half term, the children in Class 4 completed a bikeability course. They were given the opportunity to learn how to safely ride our bikes and improve our bike skills. Class 4 learnt how to mount and dismount their bikes as well as maneuver carefully around objects.

Spanish - Spring 1

The children in class 4 complete Spanish lessons every Tuesday. This half term we have looked at LOS MESES (the months of the year). Here we are matching our English months to the Spanish words.

PE with Gaz - SPRING 1

This half term during PE, we have been completing some gymnastic floorwork. Class 4 worked on some learning objects to understand ways to judge performance, explain what went well and areas for improvement and ordering instructions, movement and skills

Rivers Activity Day at Nell Bank - Spring 1

Class 4 had a fabulous day at Nell Bank Activity Centre. We spent the morning tracing the tributaries of the River Wharfe through woodland and then investigated the river itself. This really reinforced our Geography and Science learning for this term - Rivers and the Water Cycle. The afternoon's activities included orienteering and time on the incredible adventure playground.

Drumming Workshop - Spring 1

Class 4 enjoyed a fabulous drumming workshop. We all got to play drums and other percussion instruments and made our own rhythms.

DT - Spring 1

We completed DT work that tied in with our recent show. Our brief was to design an illuminated sign to advertise it. We made the sign, complete with an electric circuit before evaluating it's effectiveness.

Christmas Party - 15.12.22 - Autumn 2

The children in Year 4 enjoyed their Christmas party this week and really loved their Christmas message and gift from Father Christmas.

Reading Bears Waterstones Visit - 15.12.22 - Autumn 2

The reading bears went out to visit Waterstones book shop. They were able to pick a book to take home and had hot chocolate to warm up in the cafe.


Class 3 and 4 worked hard practising for their Christmas performance of 'Superstar' and put on an amazing show for everyone!

Bradford City Reading Bears - Autumn 2

Some children have been working on their reading with our Sports Coach, Gaz from Bradford City! They practise their reading by reading aloud to one of Gaz's bears. Gaz is incredibly proud of the whole group and several children have already been awarded medals and certificates.

Children in Need - 18.11.22 - Autumn 2

The children in Class 4 supported Children in need by dressing in non-uniform. They wore bright colours or spots and donated £1.

Poppy Making - 11.11.22 - Autumn 2

Year four created some origami poppies for Rememberance Day.

Science - Electricity - 8.11.22 - Autumn 2

Year 4 are learning about electricity and we made a circuit. We used wires, bulbs and batteries to create our circuits and we added more batteries to see what would happen.

UK Parliament Session - 7.11.22 - Autumn 2

Y4 attended a UK Parliament Online session. They learnt about the work and role of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. They looked at the difference between UK Parliament and Government, the work of MPs and members of the House of Lords, how laws are made and how they can get their voices heard.

Halloween Disco - Autumn 1

Lots of us dressed up and enjoyed our night at the Halloween Disco.

Macmillan Coffee Morning - Autumn 1

We joined in the fun of the Macmillan Coffee Morning - choosing and enjoying a delicious bun!

Cricket With Jamie - Autumn 1
Road Safety - Autumn 1 - 13.10.22

On 13th October, the children in class 4 completed pedestrian crossing skills training. The training was carried out by the Influencing Travel Behaviour Team and involved identifying safer places to cross and practical road crossing skills. In class the children discussed the Green Cross Code. THINK, STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN.

P.E with Gaz - Autumn 1

During P.E, Class 4 took turns to practice moving around a grid with several different types of equipment. Also, we used different footwork patterns to move through the equipment.

Science - Autumn 1

During Science, we have been looking at Vibration.

Art - Autumn 1 -

In preparation for our work on Matisse, we worked on collage using the same bright colours that Matisse liked to use.

School Council - Autumn 1

We voted for our school councilors after listening to all the excellent speeches made by the councilors.