Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Year 2 promise 
We promise we will always work hard and do our best.
We promise to be polite, kind and share our things.
We promise to act in ways that make us proud of ourselves and others proud of us.
We promise to respect each other’s differences, treat everyone fairly and be kind to each other so we can have fun learning.
We promise to take care of our school belongings and keep our school safe by putting things away.
We promise to show 5 and be fantastic listeners so that our classroom is a happy place to be.
St Leonards Farm trip - 14.7.16

Class 2 had an amazing day visiting St Leonards farm, we travelled on a double decker bus, when we arrived at the farm we were greeted by Farmer James. He introduced us to a variety of farm animals and we talked about their environment and life cycles. We had lots of fun in the play and hay barns and walked around the farm looking at the animals.

Den building 1.7.16

Class 2 have been busy building dens outside. We split into groups and designed our dens we then gathered the equipment that we would need and ventured out into the playground to begin constructing them. We all had a great time.

Race for life

Year 2 had an amazing day taking part in our annual race for life. We were so proud of all the children for running as fast as they could for fantastic causes.

Race 4 Life
Park visit

In science year 2 are learning all about trees and plants. We went on a nature walk into the local park and collected lots of leaves. We are now going to research on the ipads to find out what type of trees they belong to.

Trip to Morrisons

Half of year 2 were lucky enough to go on a trip to Morrisons. They had a tour of the store and made their own pizzas. What fantastic chefs they are.

olympic maths challenge

Year 2 are learning all about the Olympics. We set the children a challenge to see how many jumps they could do in 60 seconds. Some of our children were quite shocked at how many jumps they could do in 60 seconds!

Tea party

At the end of term our class were very lucky when some friends of year 2 organise a tea party to celebrate how hard we had worked on our quizzes! We played party games in the hall and enjoyed eating lots of yummy food together.

Trip to Rodley Nature Reserve

Year 2 had a fantastic time on our trip to Rodley Nature Reserve. We did various activities including pond dipping, map reading and bird watching. We all had a great time and our teachers were so proud of us for walking all the way there and back.

Outdoor learning

We made the most of the weather and took our learning outdoors.

Wheels day treat

We reached the top of our class treat board five times! We all voted for our treat and chose a wheels day. We brought our bikes and scooters to school and had great fun riding them around the playground with our friends.

Healthy week

We all enjoyed healthy week, we were all lucky enough to take part in a skipping session with Jodi Corcoran from skipping school. We also learnt about drug awareness and how to stay safe around medicines.

Easter egg hunt

Today we made our own aerial maps of the school playground, we marked onto our maps with a big X where we were going to hide our chocolate egg for our friend to find. We then gave our maps to our friend and they used them to find the Easter egg.

Artist visit

The artist Alister Colley visited us today. He shared his work with us in assembly, and class 2 were very lucky to do some work with him. He was very impressed with our observational drawings of our school building.

Book bus

We were very lucky to be invited to look at the new book bus. The book bus is a charity that runs literacy projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and the Uk, bringing the joy of reading to schools and local communities. The book bus is named Matilda and is decorated by the patron Sir Quentin Blake. It visited us as part of the book bus road show 2016 before it leaves for Malawi in Africa

Spanish Day

In Class 2 as part of Spanish Day we made special bread called Pan Catalan. It is made by rubbing garlic and tomato onto slices of crusty bread. It taste delicious.


As part of our topic on dinosaurs, we learnt how to draw one. We had to follow instructions and were amazed at our final results. Do you like them?

Non uniform day

Every child in year 2 donated an Easter egg so they could come to school in non-uniform. These will be taken to our cancer charity Candle lighters at LGI. Class 2 were overwhelmed by the donation from one child in our class and his sister who brought in over 80 Easter eggs, by raising support for the charity from their family and friends.

Shadow puppets 4.3.16

Today the whole school was put into darkness as we lost power for 45 minutes! Year 2 made the most of our dark classroom. We all made shadow images with our hands, then we guessed what each image was.

Colin and Julie

To celebrate book week we worked with Colin and Julie from moving words. Year 2 looked at the story of Rapunzel and put movements to the poem. We all had a fantastic day and enjoyed performing to the whole school.

Reading buddies

We are very lucky to have fantastic reading buddies in year 5. They come weekly to read with some of us.

Science - Healthy living

In science we have been looking at what we need to keep our bodies healthy. We thought about what exercises we can do as well as what we can eat to keep healthy. We also thought about how we feel emotionally and what makes us smile. The children enjoyed drawing around their bodies then adding words and pictures.

Art with Mrs Pritchatt

We have been looking at the work of 3 contemporary artists ; Andy Warhol, David Hockney and Alexandra Calder. We developed our collage skills and made portraits using paper. We also made a mini circus using lots of scrap materials.

Year 2 at the Spring Disco

Year 2 had a great time at the disco, We danced played party games and chatted with our friends as we ate our super.

Our Hansel and Gretel Houses.

Look at these amazing houses we made as part of our Hansel and Gretel homework.

Wire Sculptures inspired by Alixendar Calder.

The children in year 2 have been looking at the works of Alixendar Calder. Alixendar Calder had a wonderful imagination and he made beautiful work using wire and wood. We had a turn at drawing with string and we sealed our work inside laminate pouches. The following week we all had a turn at making sculptures using just 3 lengths of wire and a few buttons. It took time to learn to manipulate the wire and the children experimented reforming their work. By the end of the workshop every child had created a beautiful piece of sculpture!

Hansel & Gretel

This week we have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel, we acted out the story then created a story map of our own version. We thought of our own characters and setting then became authors and wrote our own stories.

Christmas party

Year 2 enjoyed their christmas party day. We enjoyed eating our party food and dancing to music in the hall. We had a special visitor who brought a gift for everyone. He was delighted that we all used our lovely manners to thank him for our gift.

Christmas performance

Year 2 did an amazing job of leading our christmas performance called "Baubles". MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE

Art gallery

Year 2 visited the art gallery. We travelled on the bendy bus to Leeds. When we arrived at the art gallery we had to be art detectives and walk around the gallery in our groups. We wrote down our findings then joined back together to discuss what we had seen.Then we made our own sculptures from the resources we were given. We all had a fantastic morning visiting the art gallery.

Science - Materials

As part of our homework we designed superhero hideouts. We brought them into school and tested them to see if the materials we used was waterproof. Many children made amazing waterproof hideouts and some thought about the changes they would need to make next time. Thankyou for all the fabulous models.

Music with Mr Alex

Year 2 are enjoying their music sessions with Mr Alex. We are looking forward to learning all about pitch.

Class Governor - Mrs Travis Jones

We are delighted that Mrs Travis Jones is still our class governor. We all wrote letters to her about all the exciting things we had done during the summer holiday. We recieved a card from Mrs Travis Jones thanking us for our wonderful letters and pictures.

Colin & Julie performance poetry

During our black history month, Colin and Julie came into school to do some performance poetry We performed a poem about Elmer to the whole school.

School Council

At the beginning of the year the children took part in the school council voting. The children in class 2 produced some amazing speeches which they presented to the whole class. Everyone voted for who they thought would make the best class representative. Well done to Luca and Lucy who were voted to represent class 2.

Road safety

Class 2 took part in road safety training. The children learnt about the different safe places to cross the road, always remembering to use the green cross code. STOP, LOOK and LISTEN.

Queen Elizabeth II

On Wednesday 9th September 2015, Queen Elizabeth II beacame the longest reigning UK monach. The children in class 2 enjoyed finding out lots of interesting facts about the Queen.