Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 4 Class Page » Archive » Archive 2015/16
2015 - 2016
Adults and children in class four will all work hard to make a welcoming and kind classroom. Throughout our classroom we will all use good manners, work as a team and respect our adults and each other. We will encourage each other to keep on the right path and make the right choices. Our motto in class four is “GOOD CHOICES GOOD THINGS HAPPEN!” Almost daily, we will remind each other of this!
“Importantly we must be quiet when someone else is speaking so we give them their chance to shine,” Anya Forbes
In Class 4 we will always show pride in everything that we do and we will try hard to make each piece of work our best. Every time we are moving around the classroom and school, we will do it with locked lips in order to prepare ourselves for learning. In class we will help each other to learn by creating a quiet focused learning environment where everyone has the opportunity to think and to achieve their full potential; we are respecting the needs of everyone.
“We believe it is vital everyone has friends so in class four we will be a friend to make a friend,” Lily Robinson
As a class we are very grateful for all the equipment we have access to. We will look after the things we use to make sure we can always use them again. We each have our own labelled equipment that we take responsibility for. The adults around us will keep our environment looking fabulous and we will help them by showing it the same respect.
“In class four we keep our trays tidy as it shows respect for equipment and our classroom.” Adrian Brewer
Our mission statement is a reminder about how we are working to achieve a common goal – to create a happy, fun and hard working classroom where everyone is respected and we all work together to meet our high classroom expectations.
“In year four we are a big team and we act like sisters and brothers,” Daniel Young
For our summer trip, class 4, along with classes 3 and 5, visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The sun shone on us and we all enjoyed a truly magnificent day! The children behaved brilliantly and enjoyed lots of exploring, animal spotting and we even had time to play on the play areas! It really was a super day!

2016 saw the best Race For Life yet! The children were amazing and ran again and again in the heat and humidity of the day. We are all so exceptionally proud of them! Well done Year 4!!

The children all had a exciting day on Tuesday on their trip down to Rodley Nature Reserve. They enjoyed all the various activities like pond dipping, bird watching & finding out about the life cycle of plants. The weather was kind to us & everyone had a great day.

As a reward for gaining their BIG class treat Year Four decided to have a Wheels Treat. The children brought in toys with wheels on them & enjoyed playing on them out on the playground.

Today year 3 & 4 were bamboozled by the strange things we found in the playground - giant footprints, burnt and scratched trees, a huge purple egg and scorched grass!! Mr Towse spotted a strange flying object in the sky that looked very much like a DRAGON!! The children will use this experience as a stimulus for their writing this week.

To celebrate St Georges Day tomorrow, Year 4 learnt all about the story of St George in literacy by completing a reading comprehension.

Year 4 enjoyed making cards for the Queen to celebrate her 90th birthday.

In maths, we have begun our summer learning by exploring the commutative law and distributive laws of multiplication. We were practicing our reasoning skills by having to explain how we knew we were right. We loved using our new maths resources.

To begin the summer term and our learning on the topic 'The Great Outdoors', year 4 went on a 'summer walk' to experience settings in preparation for our literacy work this week. Unfortunately the weather we experienced was more like winter than summer, but we still collected lots of ideas and had a good time!

As part of our Healthy Week activities we had a visit from Michelle at Warburtons who told us all about how to make bread. The children then all made themselves a healthy sandwich which they really enjoyed eating.

Class four had a amazing time on the climbing wall which was constructed on the back playground. Many of the children over come their fears of heights & lots of them are wanted to do it again.

Week 6 of spring term was our healthy week. We began with a lesson from Dside about the dangers of alcohol. We learnt some interesting facts about how alcohol affects your body. We loved trying on the goggles which gave us an insight into how alcohol can affect your eye sight. Also we loved the game, 'conscious alley' where we had to listen to peer pressure before deciding if we thought alcohol was good or not.

We were so proud of all our entries this year! We tried really hard to make our eggs egg-citing!!

As year 4, we have the important job of performing the story of Easter. The children did an amazing job this year, with a special mention to Solomon starring as Jesus and Lewis as our very own Judas.

As part of our Spanish learning, we all learnt about how Easter is celebrated in Spain. Our Spanish teacher, Mrs Woodward, shared lots of information with us about the parades in the cities in Spain. We also had a go at making our our Spanish fans and tried some traditional Spanish food of tortilla and olives.

Today we had a famous Artist in school Alister Colley, who painted the official picture's for the Tour de Yorkshire. We all enjoyed seeing some of his art work in assembly & then Class Four were lucky enough to have Alister come & work with them in class. Before he had to leave Alister signed a piece of his work which he has kindly donated to Year Four.

To raise money for Sport Relief we offered a fun cycling skills session in the school playground.

We had a visit from a special bus at school today. We were visited by the reading bus Matilda. The bus is part of a charity that takes books to children in Africa, Asia & South America. At the end of April Matilda will set off on her journey to Malawi filled with 2000 books for the children to enjoy.

Our favourite poets Colin and Julie came in this week to run a workshop base don Emily Gravett's book Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears. Here are some photos to show what we got up to.

Our favourite poets Colin and Julie came in this week to run a workshop base don Emily Gravett's book Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears. Here are some videos to show what we got up to.
This week, Year Four had their turn to do an assembly. We performed a piece of music, read out our work, taught some maths and entertained with drama. It was quite impressive....not that we like to brag!
This week, Year Four had their turn to do an assembly. We performed a piece of music, read out our work, taught some maths and entertained with drama. It was quite impressive....not that we like to brag!

As a reward for reaching the top of our class treat board Year 4 enjoyed a Pyjama Party where they all brought their favourite cuddly toy & watched a movie.

Monday 8th February 2016 was Chinese New Year. This year was the year of the Monkey. He is some of the children showing off their amazing homework.

Class 4 all enjoyed Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday & particularly enjoyed choosing which yummy toppings they would like on them.

As well as all the fun activities on Egyptian Day, Class 4 even preformed so Egyptian music with Mr Alex
Here are some pictures from our Egyptian day. Everyone made a big effort to dress like Ancient Egyptians and we had a great day using hieroglyphics, trying our hand at Egyptian music and making Egyptian levers!

As part of our history learning, year 3 and 4 were lucky enough to have two Egyptian visitors to come and talk to us about Ancient Egypt. We asked lots of questions and made lots of notes on the information they shared.

We all had a fantastic party today & everyone loved playing party games & dancing, as well as enjoying the party food. Santa came to visit Year 4 & gave everyone a Christmas present.

The children all sang beautifully at the church service at St Thomas.

During the church service the children from Year 4 got chance to sing their beautiful Malawi song Kuymba once again.
Today was Christmas Dinner Day, everyone enjoyed their school Christmas Lunch together & we were joined by Mr Alex & Class 4's governor Mr Simon.

Year did their final Christmas performance at Stanningley. This years performance told the story of how children from all over the world celebrate Christmas.

Class 4 have enjoyed taking part in The BIG Draw & being able to make big or small Marks on different materials in the classroom & around school.
Today we all got to dress as Super Hero's to help raise money for Children in Need, we even got to meet Pudsey himself & we all took part in a special Super Hero PE session with Superman & Spiderman.

We went to Leeds Art Gallery to look at some of the British Art Show. We drew around each other to create a large piece of art. We then used scissors to cut up our drawing to create a different piece. Throughout this we discussed different pieces and our own thoughts and attitudes towards them.

We tried making batteries with lemons but frustratingly, it didn't work. Then we tried putting it all together and we managed to light up an LED bulb with just some nails, pennies and lemons! It powered it for a whole night!

At the end of our Saxon project we had a Creative Write. We looked at a few pictures of Saxon life and used these to inspire us to write. We then acted the role of storyteller and told our stories around a blazing fire!

We had a great time at the end of term Halloween disco. Our outfits were amazing and well done to Megan for winning the prize of best outfit!

Here we are with all our food we have brought in for Harvest Festival. Soon after this picture was taken we performed an amazing rap at the festival. Make sure you ask us for a rendition if you missed it!

Videos of our experience
In history we are learning about Saxons. To support this, we travelled back in time to Dunstan's Hall at Temple Newsham to experience a day in the life of a Saxon. We had a great time being Saxon warriors, making our own flour and bread and hearing gruesome battle stories from the Saxon era.

Year Four were the first class in school to get chance to show everyone what they had been learning about since September.

The children performed some of their amazing work.
We were delighted when Mr Harvey came to watch our class assembly. We are thrilled he is our governor and we look forward to sharing lots of experiences with him through the year.

As part of our 'Black History Month' learning, Colin and Julie came in to teach us some performance poetry. We learnt a poem about Martin Luther King and Benjamin Zephaniah's 'People' poem. It was great fun but it also helped us to understand ht us how important equality and acceptance is.

At the beginning of every year the children have school Council voting. We had some amazing speeches preformed & then everyone got the chance to vote for their class representative. Well Done to Aimee & Bret who were voted Year 4 Class Council.
Year 4 had a visit from Jane the local Road Safety Officer. The children did a workshop & learnt about the different safe places to cross roads. Also they watched a video about how to stay safe on or around roads. Everyone then got the chance to go outside & put their skills into practice.

Year 4 were delighted to have music sessions with Mr Alex start again & are looking forward to lots of fun sessions with him.

Since starting back in September, we have been busy completing lots of different tasks and activities. Here you can see some of what we have been up to ...

During our induction learning the children looked the lives of others around the world, re enforcing our 'respect' and 'equality' learning. The children each wrote and performed their own poem based upon the structure of Benjamin Zephaniah's 'We are all refugees' poem.