Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 2 Class Page » Archive » Archive 2016/17
Class 2 had an amazing day for our end of year trip to the farm. Farmer James introduced us to many animals which we were able to pet and ask questions about. We later enjoyed having fun with our friends in the playbarn, haybarn and playground.
Class 2 made some amazing castle models for their homework task. The children enjoyed sharing their creations with the rest of the class.
Thankyou to all our parents/Carers for supporting, attending and helping your child learn to read their words for our class 2 assembly. Our teachers were vey proud of us all.
Class 2 went on another minibeast hunt around the school grounds to compare their results from autumn to Summer. Each child made a tally chart of their results and enjoyed looking at them through their magnifying glasses.
In Year 2 we have been having great fun looking at castles. We have learnt about the people who lived in them and even built our own castle. We made sure it had a door so we could get in to the castle and some of us made a draw bridge.
10 children from class 2 represented us at John Charles Centre at Bramley Olympics. The children were amazing and were all role models for the school they took part in various activities including skipping, relay racing and mini hurdles. The staff were very proud of all the children that represented the school.
Class 2 took part in our annual race for life event. We all ran around the outside of the rugby pitch twice and some of us even ran three times! We helped to raise lots of money for our charities. Thankyou to all the adults who came along and cheered us on and for sponsoring our children.
We all had a great time playing on the equipment in the park for our class treat.
This week we went outside and worked in teams to build dens. We were given instructions and equipment that we could use. Our challenge was to make sure that all our team could fit inside. We were very proud of our final results.
Class 2 reached another class treat and voted for a pyjama/DVD party. Even our teachers dressed in their pyjamas and we all sat together to watch The Fantastic Mr Fox, we enjoyed eating snacks and relaxing together. It was a great end to another fantastic term.
Year 2 enjoy playing a fun game in the hall. Each child takes it in turn to run to the piece of paper and write down the word that is given using the blends that we are working on. The fastest, quietest and most accurate teams win points!
Each table was set a challenge to make a puppet show for the story of The Little Red Riding Hood. Each table worked independently and used the resources provided to make a background scene and characters from the story. We were very impressed with their final products and great team work.
Year 2 have been learning about money, we first looked at the value of coins and notes. We then used resources to show different ways of making £2
Year 2 have performed their first assembly of the year. They had great fun learning the words and songs. All the children and adults that came to watch them perform have a really good time too.

Class 2 had lots of fun at our christmas party. We enjoyed eating some delicious party food and played party games in the hall, we even had a special visitor who came to see us!

KS1 1 held an internet safety assembly. We talked about potential online safety issues such as security content and strangers. We went through different issues and discuss how they can be avoided or dealt with.
Year 2 have had a brilliant time learning our words and songs for our annual Christmas performance. This year we performed a nativity story called A Miracle in Town.

This week we used our design technology skills to design and make a vehicle for our class mascot Cheeky to travel in.
In Maths we have been looking at patterns. We made them using peg boards and numicon, our partner then had to use our instructions using positional language to re-create our pattern.
This term our topic is uses of everyday materials. We used our knowledge of different materials and looked at how materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching and recorded our results.

In Literacy we have been learning lots about Guy Fawkes, we made a time line of the events that happened. Then we travelled through time to visit Guy Fawkes who answered lots of our questions.

This half term we are looking at the artist Wassily Kandinsky. The children are creating their own master pieces using some of his creations as ideas.

Class 2 have been practicing place value and have enjoyed playing our tens and ones game using different resources.
Class 2 earned another class treat and voted for a teddy bears picnic. Each child made a passport and wrote about their teddy bear. Later in the afternoon we had lots of fun playing in the outdoor classroom and having some snacks.
Year 2 have been looking at algorithms in ICT and learning how to use a program called Scratch.

Today we have been finding out all about number, we have made numbers using different resources.

In phonics we have been learning all about homophones, we have found out that homophones are words that sound the same but they mean different things and are spelt differently.

Today class 2 went outside to practice crossing the road safely. Always remembering to use the green cross code, THINK, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN.
For homework class 2 were set the challenge to make a waterproof hideout for the BFG. We all enjoyed looking at each other creations and have predicted what we think will happen when we pour water over them. Will they be waterproof or not? We will let you know our results!

Class 2 celebrated brain awareness week, we had a great time learning about our 5 senses and how our brains work. Together we took part in lots of creative and fun activities.

We promise we will always work hard and do our best.
We promise to be polite, kind and share our things.
We promise to act in ways that make us proud of ourselves and others proud of us.
We promise to respect each other’s differences, treat everyone fairly and be kind to each other so we can have fun learning.
We promise to take care of our school belongings and keep our school safe by putting things away.
We promise to show 5 and be fantastic listeners so that our classroom is a happy place to be.