Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 4 Class Page » Archive » Archive 2017/18
Today the children who have attended school every day in Year 4 were presented with a special attendance medal. Well done.
Well done to ALL children in Y4 for competing in our Sainsbury's School Games Annual SPORTS DAY. You were all amazing!
On Friday 15th June, Y4 proudly took part in the annual, 'Race for Life' charity event. The children were very proud to be given the opportunity to race around the field in order to raise money for 4 amazing cancer charities. At the end of the run the children were presented with a medal. Well done Class 4!
On Wednesday 23rd May, Class 4 were proud to present their Victorian learning to adults from home. The children took the audience on a tour of the museum of Victorian Childhood to see the exhibits come to life! During the assembly, the audience got to meet the affluent Ponsonby-Brown family and their servants, witness the lives of working children and those living on the street, and take a glimpse at a Victorian school room. The children put on an amazing show. Well done Class 4.
The children had a super morning attending the Victorian School Room at Armley Mills. The Victorian School Room session gives pupils the opportunity to explore the timetable of a typical school of the School Board era 1870-1901. In an authentic classroom Class 4 followed a timetable based on the 3 Rs under the watchful eye of the School Master. Although working under very strict conditions the children were impeccably behaved and a real credit to Stanningley Primary School.
Following the morning in the Victorian School Room the children in Class 4 attended, The Mill Children workshop. This half-day session focused on what life might have been like for a poor Victorian mill worker. The children learnt about characters that might have worked in a woollen mill and explored the collections on site. The children also had the opportunity to visit the Mill cottages and saw the contrast between home life for the rich and the poor.
The children learnt that the only physical exercise in a Victorian School was called drill. The children were made to jump, stretch and bend when the drill teacher shouted orders.
Before lessons could begin, the children were often inspected to make sure they were clean and showed no signs of sickness. Once seated, the School Master started the day with the register. As the names were called the pupils stood and responded with present Master. The children then came forward and placed a penny in the pot. Pennies were collected since a school fee was charged until 1891, later in church schools.
Today, Tuesday 17th April, Janet Hall from Warburton's visited the children in Class 4. As part of their work in design technology, the children participated in a healthy eating and practical food session. The session supported our curriculum work and allowed the children to design, make and evaluate.
The children worked with the images of the male and female life cycle. Using all the stages (baby, toddler, school aged child, teenager, adult, elder) the children went through all the different stages ensuring that they all understood that an adult has to become a parent and grandparent in order to continue the life cycle.
As part of our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum the Spring Term theme is Drug Awareness. Today, Class 4 learnt about the effects and risks of drinking alcohol. To help us with this, Dave Hill from D.side, came in to school to help deliver key messages. D:side is an interactive drug & alcohol education programme that provides primary school children with the appropriate knowledge & life skills to make informed choices and enjoy a positive future.
Throughout this half term the school will be introducing lots active activities to meet the governments 30.30 activity challenge. The government has said that primary schools should provide at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day for pupils under a new strategy to tackle child obesity. At Stanningley Primary School we are very proud of all the work that we already do with regards to Physical Education and Physical Activity. We already provide a wealth of active activities throughout the day. Back in October 2016, The Department of Health published its Childhood obesity: a plan for action, which includes a raft of implications for schools. The strategy states primaries should deliver 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity for pupils every day through active break times, extra-curricular physical education (PE) clubs and active lessons with parents responsible for providing another daily 30 minutes. To help promote yet another active activity, Hoola Hooping, Y4 attend a HOOPSTARZ Session. The children had a fabulous time and developed a wide range of skills and moves.
The children in Y4 have been writing music. They then performed a familiar musical composition alongside their newly composed piece.
Today, Y4 visited the Yorkshire Water Education Centre in Headingley. The visit to the treatment works supported our half term theme, Rivers and The Water Cycle. Whilst at the Education Centre the children were introduced to the water cycle and where our water comes from. They then listened carefully to the Baddies in the Works presentation and learnt how Yorkshire Water remove the 'baddies' from the water that they treat. One of the highlights of the morning was when the children had a guided tour of the site. However, they also enjoyed the group work and the six interactive sessions. Thank you to Adele and Peter who welcomed Stanningley Primary School to Yorkshire Water.
Class 4 have been investigating how materials change as they move between different states: solid, liquid and gas. We investigated what happens to the temperature on the outside of an ice cube as it melts, by using a thermometer. For half an hour, the children recorded the temperature every three minutes and drew an observational picture to go with every recorded temperature.
As part of their learning on shell structures, the children explored a variety of boxes and enjoyed taking them apart and putting them back together.
Today, the children enjoyed the jigsaw reading activity to develop their questioning skills. Taking each piece the children needed to ask themselves, what do you think you know from the piece you have been given? What do you think is happening? Once all the pieces were together the questioning changed to, What questions would you ask now that you have all pieces of the jigsaw. The children used super thinking skills and were able to challenge the thinking of others in a very mature way. Well done Class 4.
As part of our mathematics work on fractions, we have been doing lots of practical work with Cuisenaire rods which allow us to see how a whole rod can be split up into smaller fractions which are all the same length. The children spent time making families of equivalent fractions, prompting lots of discussion using mathematical language. This has really helped us when we have moved onto recording our fractions work on paper.
The children worked on recognising various emotions and how these might be present in a range of situations. The children also explored the fact that emotions and feelings are a natural part of life and that different people will react to these feelings in different ways. The clips show children explaining how the children from the animation may be feeling.
The children worked on recognising various emotions and how these might be present in a range of situations. The children also explored the fact that emotions and feelings are a natural part of life and that different people will react to these feelings in different ways. As a class we also discussed the fact that emotional wellbeing and mental health is not a fixed state and why mental health is important.
We were all very excited today when Santa came to join the Y4 Christmas Party. With the help from Stanningley Primary School, Santa gave everyone a Christmas present. HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!
We were all oozing with pride today when the children performed their Christmas Nativity Production, 'HOSANNA ROCK!' The quality of the singing and the acting was amazing and the audience were delighted with the performance. Thank you to all who attended. Happy Christmas Everyone.
Today, Class 4 supported MISSION CHRISTMAS and Cash for Kids by donating a minimum of one pound, to dress up Christmassy. Cash for Kids responds to the needs of children in our communities so they can live life to the full and realise their individual potential. Based across 22 areas in the UK, at the heart of your favourite radio stations, Cash for Kids support children aged 0-18 who are disabled, disadvantaged or suffering from abuse or neglect. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Together, we can make a difference.
Today, the children in Class 4 continued to explore the book, Coming Home. We discussed reading and preparing poems to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action. Without a practice, the children performed a section of the poem that we luckily captured on this iPad recording.
WOW! The children were surprised today when Pudsey Bear turned up to in our whole school assembly. We were all very happy to have our picture taken with such a big celebrity. Later in the day, the children were very excited to find out that two children had won their very own Pudsey Bear's in the school raffle.
Today, Year 4 were very lucky to be involved in the ARTIST ROOMS Joseph Beuys exhibition at Leeds City Art Gallery. This exhibition marks an important return to the city by Joseph Beuys, who last displayed his work here in 1983. The ARTIST ROOMS Joseph Beuys exhibition introduced his ground-breaking sculptures, iconic persona and constellation of ideas to a new generation. After viewing work in the gallery, the children worked with a Leeds Artist, Chris Harman, to create their own sculpture. Class 4 were very proud of their finished sculpture and the Class 4 team were very proud of the them. Well done!
Working in partnership with Bradford City Football Club, today we were proud to take a small group of children to visit Bramley Library on Hough Lane. This was a super opportunity for the children to use resources in the community whilst improving their reading skills. The children were impeccably behaved and thoroughly enjoyed the session.
Today, 8th November 2017, six of our Year 4 pupils completed the Playmaker Playground Leader Award. This award is for pupils who are looking to develop the confidence and skills required to deliver fun active lunch activities. The Playmaker Award explores what makes a good team and a good leader along with developing quality communication skills, organisational and motivational skills to get everybody active during lunch times. The children participated in lots of fun practical activities that they could take back to school. WELL DONE!
The children from Class 4 had lots of fun at the KS2 Halloween Disco, tonight. Many thanks to FOSPS for helping to organise.
Today, the children were reminded of KODALY in music. The children used music names and hand signals together. Each hand sign relates to a note on a scale.
As part of our Safety Week the children completed pedestrian training. The training was carried out by Road Safety Staff and involved identifying safer places to cross and practical road crossing skills using a pedestrian crossing facility. The children were taking out of school to cross local roads in small groups accompanied by the road safety team and Miss Hughes. Remember to ask us what we learnt?
In English, the children have been working really hard to write a persuasive speech. Linking closely with one of our PSHE units the children have learnt about democracy and why it is important to use your vote wisely. Today, the children who were interested in become a class councilor read their speeches out to the entire class to persuade their classmates that they should be elected as the class representative for school council. The children showed great confidence and the Year 4 Team were all very proud. Good luck to you all, when the council election takes place on Friday.